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teorainn teorannaigh teoranta thall thar thart theas thiar thíos thoir thuaidh thuas tiara tiarna tic ticéad ticeáil tig tíl tím timpeall
therefore dá bhrí sin »
therefore mar sin »
Samplaí gaolmhara
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níor vótáil mórán daoine ar a son, agus bhrí sin, chaill a suíochán sa Pharlaimint
not many people voted for her, and therefore, she lost her seat in Parliament
Níl agam ach aeróg, mar sin bhíonn ach RTÉ1, RTÉ2, agus TG4 agam sa mbaile.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I only have an antenna, therefore I only have RTÉ1, RTÉ2, and TG4 at home.