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talmhaíocht tamaillín tamall tanaí tanaigh tánaiste tánaisteach taobh taobhlíne taobhshráid taoide taoiseach taom taos taosrán tapa tar taraif tarbh tarlaigh tarpól
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
i dtaobh
i dtaobh [ruda]
about [something]
cad atá siad ag inár dtaobh?
what are they saying about us?
ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ina thaobh sin
I would like to say something about that
ó thaobh
ó thaobh [ruda]
as far as [something] is concerned
ó thaobh líon na bhfocal de, an foclóir seo sách mór
as far as number of words is concerned, this dictionary is quite big
taobh amuigh
OPPOSITE: taobh istigh
fuar taobh amuigh
it is cold outside
na páistí ag fanacht taobh amuigh
the children are waiting outside
taobh amuigh de [rud]
outside of [something]
an tír taobh amuigh den Aontas Eorpach
the country is outside the European Union
i mo chónaí taobh amuigh den bhaile
I live outside town
taobh istigh
OPPOSITE: taobh amuigh
ag cur báistí, b'fhearr liom fanacht taobh istigh
it is raining, I'd rather stay in
taobh istigh de [rud]
inside [something]
within [something]
fan taoibh istigh den fhoirgneamh
stay inside the building
Is é taobh an 72ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 860 focal.
Taobh is the 72th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 860 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
ar dhá thaobh na habhann
on both sides of the river
feicfidh an teach ar thaobh do láimhe clé
you will see the house on your left-hand side
mór duit dul i gcomhairle le do thuismitheoirí ina thaobh
you should talk to your parents about it
an luchóg ar thaobh do láimhe deise
the mouse is on your right-hand side
raibh cead ag ár leithéidí dul go dtí an taobh thiar de Bhalla Bheirlín
people like us weren't allowed to go to the western side of the Berlin Wall
seasaigí taobh thiar den líne bhuí le bhur dtoil
please stand behind the yellow line
réitíonn an t-ainmfhocal agus an aidiacht ó thaobh inscne de
the noun and the adjective agree in gender
beidh ort íoc as páirceáil ar thaobh na sráide
you will have to pay for parking on the side of the street
Bhí i mo sheasamh taobh thiar den chuntar ar feadh an lae.
I was standing behind the counter all day.
raibh le feiceáil ar an túr ach poll mór ina thaobh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
All you could see on the building was a big hole in its side.
i mo sheasamh taobh thiar den chuntar ar feadh an lae
I've been standing behind the counter all day
conas a ullmhaíonn an múinteoir na daltaí don saol taobh amuigh den scoil?
how does the teacher prepare the pupils for life outside school?
B'fhearr liom fanacht taobh istigh den fhoirgneamh.
I'd rather stay inside the building.
Cén fáth an raibh deatach ag teacht ó dhá thaobh an fhoirgnimh?
'Beo!', beo.ie
Why was smoke coming from both sides of the building?
Agus mba bhuama é, caithfidh gur cheann ollmhór é a phléascfadh an foirgneamh amach ar dhá thaobh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
And if it was a bomb, it must have been a huge one to explode out of the building on two sides.
Agus le cois sin, mba bhuama é, cén fáth nár pléascadh gach taobh, seachas an thaobh amháin?
'Beo!', beo.ie
And in addition to that, if it was a bomb, why didn't all sides explode, instead of just the two sides?
Ar a dhul isteach go teach na scoile d'amharc go scaollmhar ar gach taobh de.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
Upon entering the schoolhouse he looked around him in panic.
An mbeidh an ghrian mórán níos nuair a bheimid ag a taobh?
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
Will the sun be much bigger when we're beside it?