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nóisean Nollaig normáltacht normalú nós nóta nótaire nua nua-aimseartha nuacht nuachtán nuachtlitir nuair nuálaíocht núdal núicléach núicléas núíosach ó obair óbó
notice fógra »
[somebody] notices [something] tugann [duine] [rud] faoi deara »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
thug an botún faoi deara
I noticed the mistake
ar thug faoi deara go bhfuil imithe?
have you noticed that she is gone?
An rud is atá le tabhairt faoi deara ar an dream seo chomh hamaitéarach is a bhí siad.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The biggest thing to notice on these people is how amateurish they were.
fógra ar an doras
there is a notice on the door