Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
ní hé seo an bealach ceart chun pancóga a dhéanamh!
this is not the correct way to make pancakes!
ná fág an leathanach seo bán
do not leave this page blank
níl na cearta céanna ag na hinimircigh agus atá ag na saoránaigh
immigrants do not have the same rights as citizens
cad chuige nár tháinig tú?
tá mé buartha go bhfuil rud éigin as bealach
I'm worried that something is not right
cén fáth nach bhfuil a fhios agat?
aisteach go leor, ba i Sasana a fuair sí a cuid scolaíochta agus ní in Éirinn
strangely enough, she got her education in England and not in Ireland
ná labhair leis an tiománaí agus an bus ag gluaiseacht
do not talk to the driver while the bus is moving
ní raibh muid tapa go leor, áfach
we were not fast enough, though
ní duine de na mná ádhúla mé a bhfuil na fir de shíor ina ndiaidh
I am not one of those luvcky women who are constantly chased by men
tá rud éigin as alt anseo!
something's not right here!
b'fhearr don aistritheoir ní amháin an téacs a léamh go cúramach ach roinnt taighde a dhéanamh chomh maith
the translator should not only read the text carefully but do a bit of research as well
ní hí an aimsir amháin faoi deara é Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
it's not just the weather's fault
ní taibh coinne agam leis
braithim go bhfuil rud éigin as bealach
I feel that something is not right
ní don chistin amháin é seo, ar ndóigh, ach bheadh sé úsáideach ann
this is not just for the kitchen, of course, but it would be useful there
ní gá duit seoladh a thabhairt, ach má dhéanann tú amhlaidh, beidh muid in ann freagra pearsanta a thabhairt
you do not have to state your address but if you do so, we will be able to reply personally
ní hé seo an t-am ceart le labhairt liom
this is not the right time to talk to me
we do not have enough time
níl tú chomh hálainn liomsa
you are not as pretty as me
i ndáiríre, níor tugadh a lán aithne idirnáisiúnta don phoblacht seo
in fact, this republic did not receive much international recognition
níl mé fostaithe anseo, tá mé ar conradh
I'm not employed here, I'm on contract
ní sláinte an choirp amháin a bhí i gceist aige ach sláinte na haigne chomh maith
he meant not only health of the body but also health of the mind
níl cead pinn luaidhe a úsáid ach amháin chun nótaí a thógáil
a pencil is not allowed, except to take notes
ní cóir do na póilíní ceisteanna mar seo a chur orm
it is not appropriate for the police to ask me such questions
it is not necessary to say that..., it goes without saying that...
is cuma leis cad a rinne mé
he does not care what I did
tá an chuma ar an scéal nach bhfuil mórán postanna le fáil
it seems that not many jobs are available
is dócha nach dtiocfaidh mórán daoine
probably not many people will come
níl mé i mo dhúiseacht go fóill
tugann dochtúirí cógas dóibh a thugann faoiseamh dóibh ach nach leigheasann iad
doctors give them medicines which give them relief but do not cure them
níor mhiste triail eile a bhaint as
it would not hurt to try again
níl sé sa bhaile, tá sé ag obair
he's not at home, he's at work
ní ghlacfadh na daoine leis sin
the people would not accept that
ní raibh an lucht féachana sásta leis an chlár
the audience was not happy with the programme
the brakes are not working
níl mé dífhostaithe, tá mé ag obair
I am not unemployed, I work
níor vótáil mórán daoine ar a son, agus dá bhrí sin, chaill sí a suíochán sa Pharlaimint
not many people voted for her, and therefore, she lost her seat in Parliament
the sentence does not mean anything
bhí mé tinn, mar sin, níorbh fhéidir liom dul ar scoil
I was ill, so I could not go to school
níl aon dualgas ort vótáil mura mian leat
you are not obliged to vote if you don’t want to
dúradh liom gan dul ann, ach chuaigh mé ann mar sin féin
I was told not to go there but I went there all the same
níl mórán taithí agam ar alcól
I'm not used to alcohol much
ná déan talamh slán de go dtiocfaidh sí
do not take it for granted that she will come
mura bhfuil tú te go leor, tá cóta breise agam duit
if you are not warm enough, I have a spare coat for you
ní thuigeann an sách don seang
the well-fed do not understand the hungry
Beirlín Thoir atá i gceist anseo seachas Beirlín Thiar
this is about East Berlin, not West Berlin
níorbh é Milosevic amháin faoi ndear gach coir in aghaidh na daonnachta a tharla tráth titim as a chéile don Iúgslaiv
Milosevic was not solely responsible for every crime against humanity that happened while Yugoslavia was falling apart
níl an córas nua in úsáid go fóill
the new system is not in use yet
I am not willing to pay for it
Ní san fhichiú haois a mhaireann muid a thuilleadh!
We do not live in the the twentieth century any more!
níl an Ghaeilge ar a comhairle féin aici
she does not have a good command of Irish
ar chomhairle Thomáis aontaíodh gan aon rud a rá leis na meáin
on Thomas's advice it was agreed not to say anything to the media
Ní raibh saoire ar bith agam le cúpla bliain. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I have not had a holiday for a few years.
tar éis go raibh sé ina chónaí sa Ghearmáin le dhá bhliain, níor tháinig feabhas ar bith ar a chuid Gearmáinise
although he had been living in Germany for two years, his German did not improve at all
ní do dhaoine aosta amháin an club seo
this club is not not just for elderly people
níl na daltaí go léir i láthair go fóill
not all pupils are present yet
bíonn an corrán in úsáid uaireanta ach níl sé chomh maith leis an scian
they use the sickle sometimes but it is not as good as the knife
ní freagra na ceiste é seo
this is not the answer to the question
Dháiríre, níl mé cinnte cén cineál geansaí is fearr leis. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Seriously, I am not sure what type of jumper he prefers.
Níl an chulaith snámha sin an-deas. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
That bathing suit is not very nice.
Ní gá duit seoladh a thabhairt, ach má dhéanann tú amhlaidh, beidh muid in ann freagra pearsanta a thabhairt.
You do not have to state your address but if you do, we will be able to reply personally.
tá sé tábhachtach nach sárófaí a gcearta daonna
it is important not to breach their human rights
ba í Gaeilge seachas Béarla an teanga a labhair siad
the language they spoke was Irish and not English
Ní raibh siad cairdiúil ar chor ar bith. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
They were not friendly at all.
Oscail an bosca, a Mhama. Níl mé in ann é a oscailt. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Open the box, Mommy. I am not able to open it.
Tá mé féin agus Tomás ag déanamh céimeanna taighde agus mar sin níl uaireanta cinnte againn. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Tomás and I are doing research degrees and as a result we do not have fixed hours.
Ní Francach é, is Gearmánach é. Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
He's not French, he's German.
An bhfuil rud ar bith nach bhfuil suim agat ann? Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
Is there anything you are not interested in?
Ní dochtúir í. Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
Níl sé ródhaor. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Níl suim dá laghad agam i bpeil. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I'm not at all interested in football.
Níl ag éirí go rómhaith liom. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
dá mhéad airgead atá acu, níl siad sásta
no matter how much money they have, they are not happy
Níl mé in ann é a cheannacht. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Níl mé in ann an doras a dhúnadh. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am not able to close the door.
Níl mé ag obair faoi láthair. Tá mé dífhostaithe. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am not working at present. I am unemployed.
Níl mé ag aireachtáil go maith ar chor ar bith. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am not feeling well at all.
Ba dona an mhaise dúinn gan a bheith buíoch de.
It was bad of us not be grateful to him.
Ní bheidh muid in ann a lá breithe a cheiliúradh. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
We will not be able to celebrate her birthday.
Níl mé rómhaith. Tá pian i mo lámh. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am not too good. I have a pain in my hand.
Níl mé ag aireachtáil go maith. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Ní bheidh siad ag fanacht in éindí linn. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
They will not be staying with us.
Níl caill orm. Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I'm not bad. [in aswer to 'how are you']
Nach bhfuair tú an cuireadh? Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
Did you not get the invitation?
Tá mé go dona. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am doing poorly [not well].
Níl aon suim mhór agam sa ngarraíodóireacht. Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I am not interested in gardening much.
Níl tú róluath. Tar isteach. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
You are not too early. Come in.
Níl suim ar bith agam ann. Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I'm not interested in it at all.
Thiomáin sé go deas réidh. Ní gan údar mar bhí sé tuirseach.
He drove slowly and carefully. Not without reason, as he was tired.
Tá a fhios agam go maith go bhfuil tú bródúil aisti, agus údar agat.
I know well that you are proud of her, and not without reason.
Níl mé pósta. 'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level,
Níl mé rómhaith. Tá mé ag foghlaim fós. Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I'm not too good. I am learning still.
Níl tú féin pósta? 'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level,
You're not married yourself?
Ní hé an t-athaontú údar gach oilc.
The re-unification is not the root of all evil.