Pota Focal Intergaelic
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fabhar fabhra fabht fachtóir facs fad fada fadhb fadó fág fágtha faic faiche faichill fáidh faigh faighin fail faillí fáilte fáilteoir
fadhb na ndrugaí
the drug problem
fadhbanna na ndaoine óga
young people's problems
go leor fadhbanna againn
we have many problems
sin ina fhadhb le fada an
that has been a problem for a long time
an féidir leat an fhadhb a réiteach?
can you solve the problem?
chothaigh sin fadhbanna dúinn
that caused us problems
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Is é fadhb an 344ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 3,990 focal.
Fadhb is the 344th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 3,990 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
d'fhéadfaí an fhadhb a réiteach gan foréigean gan achrann
the problem could be solved without violence and strife
fadhbanna an aosa óig
young people's problems
baineann go leor fadhbanna leis
a lot of problems are associated with it
fadhb bheag againn
we have a small problem
an fhadhb réitithe, a bhuí leatsa
the problem is solved, thanks to you
cén fhadhb atá agat?
what problem do you have?
na fadhbanna cloíte againn faoi dheireadh
we have finally overcome the problems
an fhadhb seo do mo chrá
this problem is tormenting me
conas a dhéileálfaidh an rialtas le fadhb na dífhostaíochta?
how will the government deal with the problem of unemployment?
an fhadhb faoi smacht agam
I have the problem under control
níor chreid a fhusacht a bhí an fhadhb a réiteach
he didn't believe how easy it was to solve the problem
cad é leigheas na faidhbe?
what is the cure for the problem?
féidir an fhadhb a leigheas
the problem can't be solved
fadhb mhór
a big problem
Ar sáraíodh na fadhbanna go fóill?
Have the problems been overcome yet?
Bhí an fhadhb ag fás ó bhliain go bliain.
The problem was growing from year to year.
Cad é leigheas na faidhbe?
What is the cure to the problem?
Fadhb mhór é seo.
This is a big problem.
Conas dul i ngleic le fadhb na ndrugaí?
How to tackle the drugs problem?
Bhuel, is í an teilifís an fhadhb mar sin, mura bhfuil ag caitheamh an iomarca ama sa gcithfholcadh!
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Well, the television is the problem then, unless you are spending too much time in the shower!
Sháraigh cuid mhaith de na fadhbanna seachadta agus rochtana a bhíodh ina gcrá croí ag iriseoirí le fada.
'Beo!', beo.ie
It overcame a lot of the distribution and access problems that had been bothering journalists for a long time.
bhí an fhadhb ag fás ó bhliain go bliain
the problem was going from year to year
bhí muid ag obair as lámha a chéile chun an fhadhb a réiteach
we worked together to fix the problem
cad é réiteach na faidhbe, dar leat?
what is the solution to the problem, in your opinion?
caithfidh muid an fhadhb a réiteach
we must solve the problem
conas is féidir linn na fadhbanna seo a shárú?
how can we overcome these problems?
sásta cuidiú leat bhíonn fadhbanna agat
I am happy to help you whenever you have problems
go raibh maith agat as an fhadhb a thuairisciú dúinn
that you for reporting the problem to us