Pota Focal Intergaelic
beat | beet | beilt | bell | bent
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beir beirigh béirín beirithe beirt beith beithíoch beo beoga beoigh beoir beophianadh beostoc bhuel bia biabhóg biachlár bialann biatas bídeach
belt crios »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
teann do chrios
tighten your belt
suigh sa charr agus tarraing umat an crios sábhála
sit in the car and put the safety belt around yourself
Cuir ort do chrios slándála.
Put on your safety belt.
Teannaigí bhur gcriosanna sábhála, le bhur dtoil.
Tighten your seat belts please.
B'éigean dom mo bhróga, mo chrios, agus gach píosa miotal a bhaint díom, maille le leachtanna agus taois a bhí agam.
'Beo!', beo.ie
I had to remove my shoes, my belt and every piece of metal, as well as any liquids and pastes I had.