an bhfeiceann tú an botún seo?
can you see this mistake?
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
mar seo OPPOSITE: mar sin
like this
of this sort, in this fashion
seo caite OPPOSITE: seo chugainn
tá an spórt níos feiceálaí ar na saolta seo a bhuí leis na meáin
sport is more visible nowadays thanks to the media
seo chugainn OPPOSITE: seo caite
an tseachtain seo chugainn
Is é seo an
16ú focal
is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge.
Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 183 focal.
Seo is the
most frequently used word in Irish.
It occurs once in every 183 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
bhí an saol difriúil ag an am sa mhéid nach raibh áiseanna na linne seo againn
life was different then in the sense that we didn't have modern-day facilities
ba chóir go mbeadh sé sa bhaile anois nó d'fhág sé an teach seo uair an chloig ó shin
he should be home by now for he left this house an hour ago
ba cheart go mbeadh sé sa bhaile anois nó d'fhág sé an teach seo uair an chloig ó shin
he should be home by now for he left this house an hour ago
tá teach, carr agus a lán airgid ag an fhear seo
this man has a house, a car and a lot of money
sochaí í seo a chuireann béim an-láidir ar nithe ábhartha
this is a society which places a lot of emphasis on material things
ní cuirtear an t-alt roimh an ainmfhocal sa chás seo
don't put an article before the noun in this case
seo an litir atá sé a scríobh
this is the letter he is writing
ná fág an leathanach seo bán
do not leave this page blank
tá an teach seo go hálainn
tá an fear singil seo ag lorg bean álainn le pósadh
this single man is looking for a pretty woman to marry
i ndáiríre, níor tugadh a lán aithne idirnáisiúnta don phoblacht seo
in fact, this republic did not receive much international recognition
tá áiseanna maithe i gcomhair na bpáistí sa cheantar seo
this area has great facilities for children
seo duit do chuid airgid ar ais
is ag dul i ndonacht a bhíonn an aimsir ón lá seo amach
from this day on the weather usually worsens
tá sé seo déanta as adhmad
this is a valuable resource
an bhfuil aon tuairim agat ar an ábhar seo?
do you have any opinion on this matter?
ba mhaith liom rud éigin a rá ar an ábhar seo
I would like to say something on this matter
this is open to discussion
ar mhiste leat cuidiú liom an tábla seo a bhogadh?
would you mind helping me to move this table?
ní don chistin amháin é seo, ar ndóigh, ach bheadh sé úsáideach ann
this is not just for the kitchen, of course, but it would be useful there
ní do dhaoine aosta amháin an club seo
this club is not not just for elderly people
ní hé seo an t-am ceart le labhairt liom
this is not the right time to talk to me
ag deireadh an chéid seo caite
at the end of the last century
seo é an ceann deireanach
ní cairde iad seo ach bréagchairde
these aren't friends, they're false friends
seo chugat an t-ábhar le cur ar an suíomh Gréasáin
this is the content to put on the website
cad is brí leis an fhocal seo?
what does this word mean?
tá sé seo níos casta ná mar a cheap mé
this is more complicated than I thought
cad a chosnaíonn an cháis seo?
what does this cheese cost?
dhíol mé leathmhíle euro as an rothar seo
I payed a half a thousand euro for this bicycle
níl aon chomhartha teilifíse sa cheantar seo
this area has no TV signal
níl sa cháipéis seo ach dréacht
this document is only a draft
is cruthúnas é seo go bhfuil an litir seolta agam
this is proof that I have sent the letter
tá an scéal seo go hiomlán cumtha
this story is completely fictional
tá rud éigin cearr leis an charr seo!
there is something wrong with this car!
seo chugat bosca seacláide mar chomhartha buíochais
here's a box of chocolates as a sign of thanks
seans go bhfuil sé seo ar eolas agaibh cheana
you may know this already
fan go gcríochnóidh mé é seo
glacaigí mo chomhairle agus bígí san airdeall ar an duine seo!
take my advice and beware of this man!
seo é ceann de na botúin a rinne tú
this is one of the mistakes you made
an diabhal obair bhaile seo
déantar an cháis seo ar fheirm
this cheese is made on a farm
tá dlí ann a chuireann cosc air seo
there is a law that prohibits this
tá an fhadhb seo do mo chrá
this problem is tormenting me
tá sé seo cuibheasach costasach
tá an plean seo ceaptha chun comhar a chothú idir na ballstáit
the plan is designed to promote cooperation between the member states
is gnách dom éisteacht go géar ag na léachtaí seo
I usually listen very hard at these lectures
is iomaí duine sa tír seo nach léann leabhar ar bith ó cheann ceann na bliana
many a person in this country doesn't read a book the whole year
agus anois, a lucht éisteachta, seo chugainn an nuacht
and now, dear listeners, here is the news
is mór liom an tionscadal seo
this project means a lot to me
tá an císte seo an-mhilis
múintear teangacha sa scoil seo
languages aere tought in this school
foilsíodh an bhliain seo caite é
it was published last year
ó thaobh líon na bhfocal de, tá an foclóir seo sách mór
as far as number of words is concerned, this dictionary is quite big
tá sé mídhleathach an bogearra seo a chóipeáil
it is illegal to copy this computer programme
this wine is too expensive
ba mhaith liom an leabhar seo a choimeád, más ceadmhach dom
I'd like to keep this book if I may
seo duine de na daoine nár íoc an táille
this one of the people who didn’t pay the fee
glaoitear "Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla" ar an dlí nua seo
this new law is called "the Official Languages Act"
ní raibh mé anseo an tseachtain seo caite mar bhí mé tinn
I wasn't here last week because I was ill
an bhfuil ardaitheoir san fhoirgneamh seo?
is there an elevator in this building?
má chreideann tú é seo, creidfidh tú gach rud
if you believe this, you will believe everything
cad a rinne tú ar feadh do shaoil go dtí seo?
what did you do during your life until now?
ní cóir do na póilíní ceisteanna mar seo a chur orm
it is not appropriate for the police to ask me such questions
an tseachtain seo chugainn
lá éigin an tseachtain seo chugainn
tá sé seo i bhfad Éireann níos mó ná mar a cheap mé!
this is way bigger than I thought!
tá an láithreán seo idir lámha
this site is under construction
beidh an t-eagarthóir ag freastal ar chomhdháil sa Iodáil an tseachtain seo chugainn
the editor will be attending a conference in Italy next week
seo iad na cáipéisí faoi choinne an chruinnithe
these are the documents for the meeting
tá an pobal Giúdach an-chorraithe faoi seo
the Jewish community is very concerned about this
tá an deoch seo saor in aisce
beidh cóisir againn an tseachtain seo chugainn
we'll have a party next week