Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
gníomhaireacht gnó gnólacht gnóthach gnóthaigh gnúis go gob gobán gobharnóir goid goil goile góilín goilliúnach goimh goin goirín goirmín gonta goraille
go fóill
for a while
himigh go fóill
don't leave yet
fan go fóill
wait a while
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
Ar sáraíodh na fadhbanna go fóill?
Have the problems been overcome yet?
Fan go fóill!
Wait a little!
Slán go fóill, a Éanna. Tóg go bog é!
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
Goodbye for now, Éanna. Take it easy!
Muise, déanfar naomh díot go fóill!
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
Well, you'll be made a saint one day!
Is é an t-ábhar is conspóidí i Meiriceá go fóill é, déarfainn.
'Beo!', beo.ie
It is still the most controversial subject in America, I'd say.
Babaí inleithscéil go fóill, níl inti ach luspairt linbh.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
You can excuse Babaí, she is only a soft young thing of a child.
bhfuair bricfeasta go fóill
I haven't had breakfast yet
níl sin cruthaithe go fóill
that hasn't been proven yet
díol an teach go fóill
don't sell the house yet
níl cúrsaí chomh dona sin go fóill
things aren't so bad yet
níl i mo dhúiseacht go fóill
I'm not awake yet
bhfuair freagra ar mo cheist go fóill
I haven't gotten an answer to my question yet
níor éirigh linn greim a fháil ar mhargadh na Síne go fóill
we haven't managed to get a hold of the Chinese market yet
níl na daltaí go léir i láthair go fóill
not all pupils are present yet
níl an córas nua in úsáid go fóill
the new system is not in use yet
ar íoslódáil an bogearra go fóill?
have you downloaded the program yet?
níor ith mo bhricfeasta go fóill
I haven't eaten my breakfast yet
níl cúrsaí chomh holc sin go fóill
things aren't so bad yet
go deimhin, ceisteanna go leor nár freagraíodh go fóill, go háirithe na cinn faoi fhoirgneamh a seacht
indeed, there are still some unanswered questions, expecially those about building seven
slán go fóill!
bye for now!