Pota Focal Intergaelic
cap | cead | ceal | ceam | cean
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ceannródaí ceannteideal ceansa ceansaigh ceant ceantar ceanúil ceap ceapach ceapachán ceapaire cearbhas cearc cearchaill ceard céard ceardaí ceardaíocht ceardchumann ceardchumannachas ceardchumannaí
cad a cheapann ?
what do you think?
ceapaim go bhfuil go hiontach
I think it is excellent
SYNONYM: ainmnigh
appoint person to office
cheap siad ina uachtarán é
they appointed him president
ceapadh ina cathaoirleach í
she was appointed as chairperson
ceapadh Pota Focal mar fhoclóir leictreonach
Pota Focal was designed as an electronic dictionary
an plean seo ceaptha chun comhar a chothú idir na ballstáit
the plan is designed to promote cooperation between the member states
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
ceap magaidh
laughing stock
object of ridicule
nach bhfeiceann go bhfuil i do cheap magaidh acu?
can't you see they're laughing at you?
Is é ceap an 145ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 1,792 focal.
Ceap is the 145th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 1,792 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
tiontaíonn siad cúis mhaith ina ceap áiféise
they turn a good cause into an object of ridicule
in am aire nua a cheapadh
it is time to appoint a new minister
seo níos casta mar a cheap
this is more complicated than I thought
bhí costas an lóistín níos airde mar a cheap muid
the accommodaton costs were higher than we thought
cheapfá óna gcuid cainte go raibh siad ag bualadh craicinn gach oíche
you'd think from their talk that they had sex every night
is cuma liom cad a cheapann daoine
I don't care what people think
is beag a cheap go n-íocfaí
I almost thought I wouldn’t be paid
Ceapadh mar fhoclóir leictreoach é.
It was designed as an electronic dictionary.
Is beag a cheap go n-íocfaí .
I almost thought I wouldn't be paid.
Níl aon údar agamsa lena cheapadh nach raibh aithne acu ar a chéile.
I have no reason to believe they didn't know each other.
siad de shíor ina gceap magaidh ag daoine áirithe.
Some people never stop laughing at them.
mise a chum a cheap.
It wasn't my idea.
Déanann ceap magaidh d'Éirinn.
He makes a laughing stock out of Ireland.
Ise a rinne ceap magaidh dínne agus dár gcreideamh!
It was she who turned us and our faith into a laughing stock!
Bhí ina cheap magaidh ag a chomhscoláirí.
He was his school friends' laughing stock.
Deirtear go bhfuil le ceap milleáin ag gach grúpa.
They say every group needs somebody to blame.
ceapaim go bhfuil an ghráin aici orm
I think she hates me
seo i bhfad Éireann níos mar a cheap !
this is way bigger than I thought!
ceapadh ina ollamh é
he was appointed professor
ceapaim go bhfuil ag caitheamh barraíocht ama sa teach tábhairne
I think you're spending too much time in the pub
Ceapadh ina cathaoirleach í.
She was appointed chairperson.
na meáin ag déanamh ceap milleáin asainn.
The needs are putting the blame on us.
ina ceap cainte ag an mbaile.
She is the talk of the town.
Choinnigh an ceap páipéir sin ar chúinne an bhoird.
I kept that pile of papers in the corner of my table.
Cheap go dtitfeadh i laige leis an tinneas.
He thought he'd faint from the sickness.
Cheap gur sheafóideach an mhaise dúinn a bheith ag argóint.
I thought it was silly of us to argue.
Táthar ann a cheapfadh go bhfuil baint idir an rud.
'Beo!', beo.ie
There are people who'd think the two things are related.
Cheap siad ainm nua di.
'Beo!', beo.ie
They made up a new name for her.
Mhaíodh gurbh é an féinoideachas a chuir ar a chumas aige smaointe neamhghnácha a cheapadh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
He used to claim that it was self-instruction that enabled him to conceive unusual ideas.