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people aos »
people daoine »
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people lucht »
people muintir »
young people aos óg »
ordinary people cosmhuintir »
people like [me, you, ...] [mo, do, ...] leithéid »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
is breá liom bheith ag caint le daoine
I like talking to people
chuir caint ar mhuintir na háite
I talked to the local people
is maith liom cabhrú le daoine
I like helping people
mhéad duine a bhí ann?
how many people were there?
bhí breis is fiche duine ann
there were more than twenty people there
sibh ar na chéad daoine a tháinig anocht
you are one of the first people who came tonight
do dhaoine aosta amháin an club seo
this club is not not just for elderly people
seirbhísí don aos óg
services for young people
fadhbanna an aosa óig
young people's problems
is féidir le daoine aisling a bheith acu agus í a bhaint amach
people can have dreams and achieve them
thosaigh daoine ag filleadh ar ais abhaile
people started returning home
rinne siad iarracht úsáid na Gaeilge a chur chun cinn i measc daoine óga
they tried promoting the use of Irish among young people
bíonn an-chuid daoine ag teacht anseo i rith an tsamhraidh
a lot of people come here in the summer
bíonn an spórt ina dhlúthchuid den saol ag daoine atá folláin
healthy people have sport as an intergral part of their lives
cuid de na daoine
some of the people
na céadta duine
hundreds of people
daoine óga is a chaitheann drugaí
drugs are taken mostly by young people
maith liom daoine cúngaigeanta
I don't like narrow-minded people
cúpla duine
a couple of people
níor vótáil mórán daoine ar a son, agus bhrí sin, chaill a suíochán sa Pharlaimint
not many people voted for her, and therefore, she lost her seat in Parliament
is breá liom labhairt le daoine
I like talking to people
is cuma liom cad a cheapann daoine
I don't care what people think
duine beirt
one or two people
seo duine de na daoine nár íoc an táille
this one of the people who didn’t pay the fee
thosaigh daoine ag tuirlingt den traein
people started getting off the train
daoine deasa
nice people
is dócha nach dtiocfaidh mórán daoine
probably not many people will come
tháinig 10,000 duine amach ar na sráideanna in agóid in éadan an fhoiréigin
10,000 people came out on the streets in protest against the violence
bhí slua mór daoine bailithe timpeall an agus dreach an bhróin ar a n-aghaidh
a large crowd of people was gathered around the house with looks of sadness on their faces
bhí na céadta daoine ag an chruinniú poiblí
there were hundreds of people at the public meeting
siad á n-adhradh ag an bpobal inniu ach déanfar dearmad glan orthu amárach
people worship them today but they will be all fogotten tomorrow
daoine á n-adhlacadh sa reilig sin le míle bliain
people have been being buried in the cemetery for a thousand years
níor tháinig ach beirt
only two people arrived
teanga mharbh í nach mbíonn á labhairt ach seanduine thall is abhus
it is a dead language spoken only by a few old people here and there
daoine áirithe den bharúil go...
certain people are of the opinion that...
fan amach ón dream sin
stay away from those people
cosnaíonn airgead daoine a fhostú
it costs money to employ people
bhí ag freastal ar dhaoine sa bhialann an ar fad
I was serving people in the restaurant all day
daoine a d'fhulaing faoin réimeas cumannach
people who suffered under the communist regime
cuidíonn muid le daoine gan dídean
we help homeless people
ghlacfadh na daoine leis sin
the people would not accept that
ordinary people
na daoine seo go léir
all these people
i dtús na seachtóidí thosaigh daoine ag filleadh ar ais abhaile
at the start of the seventies people started to return home
i measc na ndaoine
among the people
faoi 1865 bhí úinéaracht daoine in aghaidh an dlí in gach ceann de na Stáit Aontaithe
by 1865, owning people was against the law in each of the United States
daoine a bhfuil Gaeilge acu, mar shampla tusa agus mise
people who speak Irish, for example you and me
fadhbanna na ndaoine óga
young people's problems
bíonn fáilte roimh dhaoine nua i gcónaí
new people are always welcome
an chuid is de na daoine anseo
most of the people are here
an raibh mórán daoine ann?
were there many people there?
muintir na hIodáile
the people of Italy
the Italians
daoine a dhéanann talamh slán de mo dhílseacht
people who take my loyalty for granted
is beag duine a thuigeann an teanga sin
very few people understand that language
íoctar na deontais seo i leith tithe a bhfuil seandaoine ina gcónaí iontu
these subsidies are paid in respect of houses where old people live
muintir na hÉireann
the people of Ireland
Réitím go maith leis na daoine eile.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I get along well with the other people.
réitím go maith leis na daoine eile.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I don't get along well with the other people.
Is bean agus bhíonn mórán seans agam labhairt le daoine eile seachas m'fhear agus mo chlann.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am a housewife and I don't have much chance to speak with other people except my husband and my children.
lán de dhaoine
full of people
chuidigh siad le lear mór daoine
they helped a great deal of people
raibh cead ag ár leithéidí dul go dtí an taobh thiar de Bhalla Bheirlín
people like us weren't allowed to go to the western side of the Berlin Wall
áiseanna maithe ann agus muintir na háite go deas.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
There are good amenities there and the local people are nice.
Ach go deas casadh ar dhaoine nua freisin.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
But it's nice to meet new people, too.
bhí muintir na háite an-chairdiúil
the local people were very friendly
bhí níos fiche duine ann
there were more than twenty people there
is mian linn go mbeadh daoine sláintiúla ag deonú fola
we want healthy people to give blood
tháinig daoine ina sluaite
people came in crowds
Maraíodh beirt agus goineadh triúr eile.
Two people were killed and three others were injured.
na daoine i mo thimpeall
the people around me
maith le muintir na háite na turasóirí
the local people don't like tourists
mothaíonn na daoine i mbaol
the people feel in danger
tagann na mílte daoine bliain i ndiaidh bliana chun páirt a ghlacadh san fhéile
thousands of people come year after year to take part in the festival
de bhua aige go dtuigeann daoine.
His talent is that he understands people.
siad de shíor ina gceap magaidh ag daoine áirithe.
Some people never stop laughing at them.
Bhí daoine ann, chuala ag béiceadh iad, ach raibh in ann tadhall leo.
Alan Titley: Gluaiseacht, An Gúm, 2009
There were people there, I heard them shouting, but I wasn't able to touch them.
Bhí an pota chomh mór sin go bhféadfá brachán do theach lán bochtán a dhéanamh ann.
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
The pot was so large you could make porridge for a house full of poor people in it.
raibh ach triúr ar bord an eitleáin.
'Beo!', beo.ie
There were only three people on board the airplane.
Bhí ag bailiú eolais faoi dhaoine éagsúla.
'Beo!', beo.ie
She was collecting information about various people.
Níor chas, ach neart daoine as Cois Fharraige fós ann.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I didn't meet her, but there are plenty of people from Cois Fharraige still there.
Bhí na daoine go deas.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
The people were nice.
Is cuimhin liom go n-abraínn le daoine go minic...
'Beo!', beo.ie
I remember that I often used to say to people...
Níl sa bhaile anois ach féin agus mo dheartháir Pádraig.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
The only people at home now are myself and my brother Pádraig.
Beidh muintir an bhaile uilig ann.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
All the people of the town will be there.
Is beag duine ar domhan gur cuimhin leis an dhúnmharaithe sin.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Very few people in the world remmeber the day of that assassination.
súil agam nach mbeidh orm plé leis na daoine sin go deo arís
I hope I won't have to deal with those people ever again
Traidhfil blianta ó shin, bhíothas ag caint ar bhreacadh úr do na meáin chumarsáide.
'Beo!', beo.ie
A few years ago people were talking about the dawning of a new age for the media.
Ba mhinic fosta gur maslaí ó dhaoine le hainmneacha cleite a bhíodh mar thoradh ar na tuairimí a nocht blagadóirí.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Also, what bloggers often got in response to their opinions was abuse from anonymous people.
Tugann scaoilteacht an idirlín ardán d'achan chineál cancráin a bheith ag caitheamh anuas ar dhaoine eile faoi sciath na ganfhiosaíochta.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The relaxed atmosphere of the Internet gives a platform to every sort of cantankerous git to give out to other people under the protection of anonymity.
Is iomaí gnáthdhuine a bhfuil gunna ina sheilbh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Many ordinary people have a gun in their possession.
Bhí na daltaí ag foghlaim faoi stair an chine ghoirm le déanaí ar scoil.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The pupils were learning about the history of black people at school recently.
I measc 60 duine ar an mbus, ba mise an t-aon duine den chine geal.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Among the 60 people on the bus, I was the only white person.
thógann ach daoine bochta an bus.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Only poor people take the bus.
Is olc an mhaise do dhaoine a bheith ag súil le moladh.
It's bad of people to expect praise.
Rinne duine amháin drannadh liom agus bhraith chomh beag le mo lúidín.
Alan Titley: Gluaiseacht, An Gúm, 2009
One of the people snarled at me and I felt as small as my little finger.
Gormaigh i Meiriceá ón tús.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Black people have been in America since the beginning.
As an am seo amach b'iad sclábhaithe formhór mór na ndaoine gorma a facthas san Eoraip agus sa domhan nua.
'Beo!', beo.ie
From this time onward, most black people seen in Europe and the new world were slaves.
raibh cearta iomlána ag daoine Gorma.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Black people did not have full rights.
An rud is atá le tabhairt faoi deara ar an dream seo chomh hamaitéarach is a bhí siad.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The biggest thing to notice on these people is how amateurish they were.
Táthar ann a cheapfadh go bhfuil baint idir an rud.
'Beo!', beo.ie
There are people who'd think the two things are related.