Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
anois anonn anord anraith anróiteach anseo ansin antoisceach antraipeolaíocht anuas anuraidh aoi aoibhneas Aoine aoir aoire aois aolchloch aon aonach aonad
answer freagair »
answer freagra »
[somebody] answers tugann [duine] freagra »
[somebody] gives an answer tugann [duine] freagra »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
nuair a chuireann ceist orthu, cad chuige a bhfuil siad ag léirsiú, bhíonn siad in ann freagra a thabhart duit
when you ask them why they're protesting, they can't give you an answer
an freagra
the answer
sin é an freagra ceart
that is the right answer
d'fhreagair na ceisteanna
she answered the questions
bhfuair freagra ar mo cheist go fóill
I haven't gotten an answer to my question yet
chuir ceist orm, ach níor thug freagra
he asked me a question but I didn't answer him
ba léir go raibh idir dhá chomhairle maidir leis an fhreagra is oiriúnaí
it was obvious you couldn't decide on the most suitable answer
lean ag gearán léi go bhfuair freagra
she kept on complaining until she got an answer
an freagra mícheart
the wrong answer
cad a deir nuair nach mbíonn an freagra ceart aige?
what does he say when he doesn't have the right answer?
freagair na ceisteanna, le do thoil
answer the questions, please
níl freagra do cheiste agam
I don't have the answer to your question
freagra na ceiste é seo
this is not the answer to the question
go maith, go raibh maith agat.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I am fine, thank you. [in answer to 'how are you?']
Nuair a tugadh mo rogha seomra dom san óstán, d'fhreagraíos go cúramach.
'Beo!', beo.ie
When I was asked what kind of room I wanted in the hotel, I answered carefully.
Thug an freagra mícheart.
You gave the wrong answer.