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Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
starrfhiacail stát statach státaire státchiste státseirbhís státseirbhíseach steall steallaire stéig steip stiall stíl stionsal stiúideo stiúir stiúrthóir stobhach stoc stoca stócach
stay fan »
stay fan »
stay stop »
stay away from fan amach ó »
stay out of fan amach ó »
[somebody] stays away from [something] fanann [duine] ó [rud] »
stay on fan ar »
stay out fan as »
[somebody] stays out of [something] fanann [duine] as [rud] »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
d'fhan muid i mbrú óige
we stayed in a youth hostel
fhad a d'fhan sa Fhrainc?
how long did you stay in France?
beidh ag fanacht i gcarbhán
I'll be staying in a caravan
cén fáth ar fhan chomh fada sin?
why did you stay so long?
fan san áit a bhfuil
stay where you are
d'fhan sa bhaile an ar fad
I stayed home the whole day
d'fhan tamall ag breathnú ar an seanteach
he stayed a while looking at the old house
féidir liom fanacht i mo dhúiseacht
I can't stay awake
fan i do thost, le do thoil
stay quiet please
bhfuil ag fanacht?
where are you staying?
ag fanacht in óstán
I am staying in a hotel
bhí ag fanacht le mo dheartháir agus i mBaile Átha Cliath
I was staying with my brother while I was in Dublin
d'fhan ón ól, b'in é an príomhrud
he stayed away from the drink, that was the main thing
fan amach ón dream sin
stay away from those people
D'fhan muid inár luí ar an trá ar feadh píosa.
We stayed lying on the beach for a while.
Cén áit a bhfuil ag fanacht?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Where are you staying?
D'fhan muid i dteach féinfhreastail.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
We stayed in a self-catering house.
Ar fhan i sealla féinfhreastail?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Did you stay in a self-catering chalet?
fan as mo bhealach
stay out of my way
fanaim as na díospóireachtaí sin más féidir liom
I stay out of those discussions if I can
b'fhearr fanacht as amharc
it would better to stay out of view
is fearr linn fanacht i mbrúnna in óstáin
we prefer staying in hostels then in hotels
bhí idir idir dhá chomhairle ar chóir dom fanacht imeacht
I didn't know whether I should stay or go
ag cur báistí, b'fhearr liom fanacht istigh
it is raining, I'd rather stay in
d'fhan i mo luí ar an trá ar feadh laethuaire
I stayed lying on the beach for half an hour
d'fhan muid inár luí ar an trá ar feadh píosa
we stayed laying on the beach for a while
bhfuil ag stopadh?
where are you staying?
fan go ceann tamaill!
stay for a while!
ag cur báistí, b'fhearr liom fanacht taobh istigh
it is raining, I'd rather stay in
fan taoibh istigh den fhoirgneamh
stay inside the building
B'fhearr liom fanacht taobh istigh den fhoirgneamh.
I'd rather stay inside the building.
Bhí idir dhá chomhairle ar chóir dom fanacht imeacht.
I didn't know whether I should stay or go.
D'fhan muid i mbrú.
We stayed in a hostel.
bheidh siad ag fanacht in éindí linn.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
They will not be staying with us.
Fanaim istigh oíche Luain de ghnáth, ag amharc ar an teilifís.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I usually stay in Monday night, watching TV.
D'fhan muintir Mandelbrot ann le linn an chogaidh, agus cónaí orthu i Tulle, baile beag i lár na tíre.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The Mandelbrot family stayed there during the war, living in Tulle, a small town in the middle of the country.
Rinne siad amach fanacht ar an talamh tirim go maidin.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
They decided to stay on dry land till morning.
caithfidh fanacht sa bhaile mar sin
you must stay at home then