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spíosra splanc spléachadh spleáchas spleodar spóca spoch spól spor spórt spota spraoi spréach spreag spreagadh spréire sprioc spriocdháta sprionlaithe sprionlóir sprús
spoke spóca »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
bhí an theanga ar a dtoil acu
they spoke both languages fluently
leabhair go gairid
she spoke briefly
ba í Gaeilge seachas Béarla an teanga a labhair siad
the language they spoke was Irish and not English
Labhair go gairid.
She spoke briefly.
Níor labhair aon duine, fiú na páistí beaga bhí dreach sollúnta orthu.
Nobody spoke, even the children had solemn expressions.