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réamhchlaonadh réamhchúram réamhfhocal réamhrá réamhstair réamhstairiúil réamhtheachtaí réasún réasúnach réasúnaíocht réasúnta reathaí réchúiseach reic réidh reifreann réigiún réigiúnach reilig reiligiún réim
reason ciall »
reason fáth »
reason réasún »
reasoning réasúnaíocht »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
cúis áthais
a reason to be happy
mhínigh na cúiseanna dom
she explained the reasons to me
Thiomáin go deas réidh. gan údar mar bhí tuirseach.
He drove slowly and carefully. Not without reason, as he was tired.
chuirfidís san ospidéal í gan údar éigin.
They wouldn't put her in hospital without a reason.
a fhios agam go maith go bhfuil bródúil aisti, agus údar agat.
I know well that you are proud of her, and not without reason.
Ar a lán údar, an tír seo deighilte ina stát.
For many reasons, this country is divided into two states.
Cibé cén t-údar a bhí agam leis...
Whatever my reason for it was...
Níl aon údar agamsa lena cheapadh nach raibh aithne acu ar a chéile.
I have no reason to believe they didn't know each other.
Ar chúis éigin bhí eagla orm roimh na madraí marbha nach raibh cor astu.
Alan Titley: Gluaiseacht, An Gúm, 2009
For some reason I was afraid of the dead dogs even though they didn't even move.
Is é fáth mo shuime sa cheist seo thar cheisteanna eile go mbaineann liom go pearsanta.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The reason why I am interested in this question more than other questions is because it concerns me personally.
An chúis is go bhfuil meath tagtha ar bhlaganna na Gaeilge ...
'Beo!', beo.ie
The biggest reason why Irish-language blogs have started declining is...
An t-údar leis sin go raibh amuigh i dtuath na tíre.
The reason for that is that it was out in the country.
údar againn lena chreidiúint.
We believe it for a reason.
grá agam do dhroichid, ach níorbh é seo fáth mo chuairte.
'Beo!', beo.ie
I love bridges but this was not the reason of my visit.