Pota Focal Intergaelic
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deoise deolchaire deonach deonaigh deontas deoraíocht deoranta dhá dí- dia Dia diabhal diaga diagacht dialann diallait diamant dian diasraigh díbholaíoch díbir
development forbairt »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
ullmhódh an Roinn Oideachais plean forbartha
the Department of Education will prepare a development plan
De bharr na bhforbairtí seo bhí bosca uirlisí cumarsáide ag an saoránach a thug deis feidhmiú mar iriseoir ar bhonn domhanda agus ar bheagán costais.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Because of these developments, the citizen now had a toolbox that gave him the chance to function as a journalist, globally and at little cost.
Ullmhóidh an Roinn Oideachais plean forbartha.
The Department of Education will prepare a development plan.