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Iúil iúl iúr jab jacaí jíp júdó labhair labhandar lacáiste lách lacha lachna ladar ladhar laethúil lag lagaigh lágar laghad
know tuig »
[A] knows [B] tá aithne ag [A] ar [B] »
[B] knows [A] tá [A] ar aithne [B] »
[somebody] gets to know [something] cuireann [duine] aithne ar [rud] »
[B] knows [A] is eol [A] do [B] »
[somebody] knows [a place] tá eolas ag [duine] ar [áit] »
[somebody] knows [a fact] tá [fíric] ar eolas ag [duine] »
[somebody] knows [that something is the case] tá a fhios ag [duine] [go bhfuil rud amhlaidh] »
as far as [somebody] knows go bhfios do [dhuine] »
knowing of the way fios an bhealaigh »
[somebody] knows the way tá fios an bhealaigh ag [duine] »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
an bhfuil aithne agat ar Phól?
do you know Paul?
aithne agam ar do bhean chéile
I know your wife
aithne agat ar gach éinne, mar sin?
you know everybody, then?
bhí aithne acu ar a chéile
they knew each other
níl agam air ach ríomhaithne
I only know him through the Internet
seanaithne agamsa uirthi
I've known her long time
cén fáth nach bhfuil a fhios agat?
why do you not know?
dar ndóigh, sin ar eolas ag gach duine
of course, everybody knows that
a fhios agam cad atá de dhíth
I know what is needed
chomh fada agus is eol dom...
as far as I know...
eolas agam ar an cheantar sin
I know that area
fear atá ar m'aithne
a man I know
cuir aithne ar Ghaeltacht Dhún na nGall
get to know the Donegal Gaeltacht
mar is eol duit, amárach an spriocdháta
as you know, the deadline is tomorrow
a fhios agam.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
I know.
seans go bhfuil seo ar eolas agaibh cheana
you may know this already
bhí sin ar eolas againn ón fhaisnéis a fuair muid roimh
we knew that from the intelligence we received beforehand
a fhios agam go bhfuil pósta
I know that she is married
níl a fhios agam cén t-am é
I don't know what time it is
an bhfuil a fhios acu bhfuil muid?
do they know where we are?
fios an bhealaigh agam
I know the way, lit. I have knowledge of the way
níl fios a ngnó acu
they don't understand their own business, they don't know what they are doing
pósta, go bhfios dom
she's married, as far as I know
bhí idir idir dhá chomhairle ar chóir dom fanacht imeacht
I didn't know whether I should stay or go
bhí a fhios agam go raibh idirdhealú éigin ann idir an rud, ach raibh cinnte
I knew there was a distinction between the two thing but I wasn't sure
a fhios ag an saol mór tusa
the whole world knows who you are
thuig go raibh an tsláinte ag teip air
he knew his health was getting worse
níor thuig go raibh sibh pósta
I didn't know you were married
an chéad uair a bhí é i mBeirlín, raibh aon eolas agam ar an áit
the first time I was in Berlin, I didn't know the place at all
an bhfuil fios an bhealaigh agat?
do you know the way?
Bhí idir dhá chomhairle ar chóir dom fanacht imeacht.
I didn't know whether I should stay or go.
Bhí sin ar eolas againn ón fhaisnéis a fuair muid roimh .
That was known to us from the intelligence we received beforehand.
A fhad agus is eol dom, seo fíor.
As far as I know, this is true.
Níl fios a ngnó acu.
They don't understand their own business. They don't know what they are doing.
fheadar bhfuil .
I don't know where he is. I wonder where he is.
Níl a fhios agam.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
I don't know.
a fhios againn é sin.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
We know that.
An bhfuil aithne agat ar mo bhean?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Do you know my wife?
An bhfuil aithne agat ar mo dheartháir?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Do you know my brother?
An bhfuil aithne agaibh ar mo dheirfiúr?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Do you know my sister?
a fhios agam gur ag a a chlog atá m'agallamh ar siúl.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I know that it is at two o'clock that my interview is to take place.
a fhios agam go maith go bhfuil bródúil aisti, agus údar agat.
I know well that you are proud of her, and not without reason.
Beidh a fhios agam ansin an bhfuil údar le m'éad.
I will know then whether there is any cause for my jealousy.
Níl aon údar agamsa lena cheapadh nach raibh aithne acu ar a chéile.
I have no reason to believe they didn't know each other.
Chuir an Vatacáin in iúl le déanaí go...
The Vatican let it be known recently that...
Thuig féin bhféadfainn an Eoraip a bhaint amach go mbeadh liom.
Alan Titley: Gluaiseacht, An Gúm, 2009
I knew well that if I could reach Europe, I would have succeeded.
theip orthu, fios cén fáth.
'Beo!', beo.ie
If they failed, it is not known why.
Mar is eol dúinn anois, níor stop na Naitsithe leis an bPolainn.
'Beo!', beo.ie
As we know now, the Nazis didn't stop with Poland.
B'fhéidir go raibh a fhios ag Bin Laden sular mharaigh fórsaí speisialta Mheiriceá é gur athraigh an domhan as cuimse.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Maybe Bin Laden knew before he was killed by American special forces that he had changed the world utterly.
Thuig go maith gur iomaí iriseoir a tógadh amach as an óstán ar chláirín.
'Beo!', beo.ie
She knew well that many journalists had been carried out of the hotel on a board [ie. dead].
Agus bíodh a fhios agat go mbíonn toradh i mBaile Átha Cliath choinne na sagart.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
And you should know that they look with favour on what priests say in Dublin.
a fhios ag mo Thiarna orm.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
My Lord knows what I've done.
Níl a fhios agam goidé a dhéanfainn ach go thú.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
I don't know what I'd do without you.
bhfuair siad aon ghreim le níl a fhios agam huair.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
They haven't had anything to eat since I don't know when.
Bíodh a fhios agat nach ar bith atá i ndán duit ar an choigrích.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
You should know that going abroad is no picnic.
Beidh a fhios agat gan greim eiteoga a fháil ar chirc.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
You will know you shouldn't grab a hen by its wing.
'Bhfuil a fhios agat goidé mo chomhairlese duit?
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
You know what my advice to you is?
an bhfuil eolas maith agat ar Phrág?
do you know Prague well?