Pota Focal Intergaelic
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Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
víosa víreas vitimín voltas vóta vótáil vótálaí xileafón zúmáil
word briathar »
word focal »
in other words i bhfocail eile »
pot of words pota focal »
actions according to words beart de réir briathair »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
is leor focal amháin
one word is enough
líon na bhfocal san alt
number of words in the article
cad is brí leis an fhocal seo?
what does this word mean?
word of God
níor thuig gach focal ach thuig éirim na cainte
I didn't understand every word but I understood the gist of the talk
an focal ag tús na habairte
the word at the beginning of the sentence
cuideoidh na habairtí samplacha leat na focail a fhí isteach i do chuid cainte go nádúrtha
the example sentences will help you to weave the words naturally into your own speech
focal scríofa
written word
is státseirbhíseach é - i bhfocail eile, ag maireachtáil ar airgead na gcáiníocóirí
he is a civil servant - in other words, he lives on taxpayers' money
innéacs na bhfocal
the index of words
léiríonn na habairtí samplacha an dóigh chun na focail a úsáid i gcomhthéacs
the sample sentences show how to use the words in context
liosta focal
list of words
ó thaobh líon na bhfocal de, an foclóir seo sách mór
as far as number of words is concerned, this dictionary is quite big
séimhiú ar an fhocal
the word is lenited
An bhfuil urú ar an fhocal?
Is the word eclipted?
Léigh an focal ag tús na habairte.
Read the word at the beginning of the sentence.
Sin briathar .
That is the word of God.
liacht focal a úsáideann is ea is fearr.
The more words you use the better.
réasúnta maith ar an ríomhaire agus in ann Word agus Excel a úsáid.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am reasonably good on the computer and I am able to use Word and Excel.
Níor bhean í a chuaigh siar ar a focal.
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
She wasn't a woman who'd go back on her word [who wouldn't do what she'd said she'd do].
Tháinig na focail amach as a béal ina néalta beaga gaile.
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
The words came out of her mouth as small clouds of steam.
Na huafáis a chonaiceamar, uafáis nach n-oireann focla dóibh.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The horrors we've seen, horrors words can't describe.
Glac m'fhocalsa air.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
Take my word for it.
mhilleann dea-ghlór fiacail.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
A kind word never hurt anyone.
níor thuig oiread is focal
I didn't understand a single word
an bhfuil urú ar an fhocal?
is the word is eclipted?