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be wanted teastaigh »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
theastaigh uaithi deireadh a chur lena saol brónach mí-ádhúil
she wanted to end her sad unlucky life
theastaigh uaidh dul i dtaithí ar chultúr na hEorpa
he wanted to familiarize himself with European culture
raibh ar a intinn ach díoltas a bhaint amach.
All they wanted was to take revenge.
Níor ceadaíodh ach correitilt sa tír go ceann seachtaine eile agus, ar ndóigh, ba bheag duine a bhí ag iarraidh eitilt ach oiread.
'Beo!', beo.ie
For a whole week, flights were grounded in the country with only occasional exceptions and, of course, hardly anybody even wanted to fly.
Nuair a tugadh mo rogha seomra dom san óstán, d'fhreagraíos go cúramach.
'Beo!', beo.ie
When I was asked what kind of room I wanted in the hotel, I answered carefully.