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overcome cloígh »
overcome sáraigh »
overcome sáraigh »
overcome sáraigh »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
na fadhbanna cloíte againn faoi dheireadh
we have finally overcome the problems
sháraigh siad an fhoireann eile go héasca
they overcame the other team easily
Sháraigh cuid mhaith de na fadhbanna seachadta agus rochtana a bhíodh ina gcrá croí ag iriseoirí le fada.
'Beo!', beo.ie
It overcame a lot of the distribution and access problems that had been bothering journalists for a long time.
sháraigh said gach constaic
they overcame every obstacle
conas is féidir linn na fadhbanna seo a shárú?
how can we overcome these problems?
sháraigh siad laincisí an ama agus an spáis
they overcame the limitations of time and space
Ar sáraíodh na fadhbanna go fóill?
Have the problems been overcome yet?