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masmas mata matamaitic matamaiticeoir matán máthair máthartha meá meabhair meabhairghalar meabhairshláinte meabhraigh meacan meáchan méad méadaigh méadar méadú meafar meáigh
matter ábhar »
matters cúrsaí »
matter-of-fact fuarchúiseach »
doesn't bloody matter is cuma sa diabhal »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
ba mhaith liom rud éigin a ar an ábhar seo
I would like to say something on this matter
an bhfuil aon tuairim agat ar an ábhar seo?
do you have any opinion on this matter?
chuir an cheist i gcomhairle an tsagairt
she asked the priest's advice on the matter
is cuma cad a deirim, déanann seisean a chomhairle féin
it doesn't matter what I say, he does his own thing
pléadh an cheist ag cruinniú na comhairle
the matter was discussed at a meeting of the council
agus ar chor ar bith, nach cuma?
and anyway, does it matter?
is cuma
it doesn't matter
cúrsaí gnó
business matters
cúrsaí pleanála
planning matters
an scéal seo ag éirí conspóideach
this matter is becoming controversial
is cuma sa diabhal bhfuil !
it doesn't bloody matter where he is!
mhéad airgead atá acu, níl siad sásta
no matter how much money they have, they are not happy
agus ar scor ar bith, nach cuma?
and anyway, does it matter?
Agus, ar scor ar bith, nach cuma?
And anyway, does it matter?
fhad an oíche, tiocfaidh an mhaidin ar deireadh.
No matter how long the night, the morning will come at the end.
Is cuma mbíodh siad ag magadh ort go dtiteadh an cár astu.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
It doesn't matter if they mock you until their teeth fall out.
An bhfuil aon tuairim agat ar an ábhar?
Do you have any opinion on the matter?