Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
Cársán wheeze
" Cársán na haoise ag cur stad ina chuid cainte.
cársán wheeze
" * Gluais • Glossary mo dhícheallmy best a gheallaim dom féinI promise myself san fhásachin the desert d'fhéadfainn staonadh ó sheacláidI could abstain from chocolate don Charghasfor Lent cleastrick chuirfinn dallamullóg orm féinI'd delude myself blastatasty íobairtsacrifice maitheasgood bródúilproud casacht mhór ghroía great big cough tairseachthreshold tanaíthin fiáinwild de shíoralways seanfhaiseantaold-fashioned láchfriendly, pleasant mearbhallconfusion cheapasI thought a bhlas tuaisceartachhis northern accent chloisimis a chasachtwe used to hear his cough bhímis ar bíswe used to be excited/impatient cúbógacollections of Easter eggs scaoilimis gach uile ní uainnwe'd cast everything aside go scafántaspeedily ghlacadh sí buíochas leisshe would thank him chuireadh sí i bhfolach éshe would hide it ag iomrascáil lena chéilewrestling one another suachmáneasy-going person gan puth análawithout a puff of breath parlúsparlour, sitting-room deireadh sí linnshe would say to us cur i gcéill iomlántotal pretence thuigeadh siseshe'd understand bheannaímis dówe would greet him d'fhiafraímis dewe'd ask him d'fhreagraímiswe would answer go fuarbhruiteindifferently ag tóraíocht an mhálasearching for the bag nodclue go n-alpfadh Daidí siar iadthat Dad would devour them beadaílover of sweet things dá bharras a result d'éalaigh méI escaped cófrapress ag póirseáil thartrummaging about málaí plaisteachaplastic bags doirtealsink de phreabsuddenly go raibh mo chosa nitethat it was all up with me polaitíocht an tuaiscirtthe politics of the north daoine muinteartharelations díospóireachtaí bríomharalively debates a chuairteannahis visits b'annamh cuideachta na bhfear aigehe seldom had the company of men ag útamáilfumbling ba ghiorra in aois diclosest to her in age mo dhála féin agus Tríonajust like myself and Tríona fé mar a chaitheadh Tríona liomsaas Tríona used to treat me barrúilfunny de shíor dár gcáineadhalways criticizing us ag spochadh as m'uncailteasing my uncle agus uasal le híseal á dhéanamh aigesean uirthiseand he was patronizing her tá sé chomh maith agamI may as well á leanúintfollowing him garda gradaimguard of honour cársánwheeze inchreidtecredible plúchadhasthma ag sméideadh ar m'uncailnodding at my uncle dá mbéarfaí ormif I was caught isteach sna gnáthchróite folaighinto the usual hiding-places macalla na nglórthathe echo of the voices tuaromen, sign an ceann ab ansa liom féinthe one I liked best mealltachenticing bonnánhorn fardoraslintel of door vardúswardrobe bheir mé barróg airI hugged him ag cóiriú na n-adhartánarranging the cushions glicsly caoi a chur ar an áitto tidy up the place margadhdeal a roinntto share stróic méI tore daitecoloured dúil chráitetorturous desire candaí móra seacláidebig chunks of chocolate blúire ar bhlúirebit by bit giodalachperky bhuail fonn múisce muidwe felt like vomiting tháinig iarracht den cheann faoi orainnwe became a little bit down smeartha le seacláidcovered in chocolate teipfailure
Cáirseán aisteach strange wheeze
" folachcovering nochtnaked slaitín saileachwillow rod á lascadhthrashing her ar chúl na gclaíochabehind the stone walls an iarraidh seothis time Cuardaitheoirí Rudaí AisteachaSearchers for Strange Things saineolaitheexperts ráflaírumours cleamhnaitherelations by marriage fireann nó baineannmale or female a ndrioballtheir tail ganntan olaoil shortage stangadhstart ag útamáilfumbling ag cogarnaílchewing gaibhte a chodladhgone to bed sórt baoitea kind of bait go mbéarfaidís airthat they would catch him drochfhliúa bad flu cragtha ceartbadly hit cliabhrachchest Cáirseán aisteachstrange wheeze duáinkidneys ag fual ina threabhsarwetting his trousers fliuchándrenching eascainecurse bá is múchadh airdrowning and smothering on him cóir leighistreatment seanmóirsermon a rachthis outburst a phaca diabhalyou pack of devils ar bhealach bhur n-aimhleasaon the road to ruin go bagrachthreateningly fainicwarning cúrfoam ag gíoscángrating i ngábhin a dangerous situation collachcrude, fleshy person scuaid tearraa splattering of tar isteach ina chlabinto his mouth
seordán wheeze
" Cibé braonta beaga ocsaigine a bhí fágtha sa phluais bhí siad dá sú isteach ina ghaosán le gach aon seordán agus seadán agus srann.