Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
rudaí neamhiontacha unexciting, ordinary things
" * Gluais • Glossary fríd ghloine dhorchathrough a dark glass smúidmist, murkiness bréagachfalse is annamhit is seldom mionrudaíminor things doiléirvague i sruth na éiginnteachtain the stream of uncertainty glas ceart na gcuibhreannthe correct green of the fields sin an tuigethat's why ag stánadh amachstaring out léanalawn ag croitheadh a gcinnshaking their heads íomhánnaimages iontassurprise machnamh ceartproper thinking scáileánscreen ag preabadhjumping bladhaire coinnlea candle flame eachtraíevents chan éthat's not it dá thairbhe sinbecause of that rudaí neamhiontachaunexciting, ordinary things ar bharr na mbeannon the cliff tops an lá fá dheireadhthe other day ag coimhéad ar thonnta ag briseadh go díbhirceachwatching waves breaking with ardour substaintsubstance dá dtitfeadh mo chorp de bharr na mbeannif my body fell from the top of the cliffs taoidetide fiúntasworth gníomhact nó a mhalairtor the opposite blaiseadhtaste gan rud ar bith bheith gnóthaithe agam as m’aistearwithout having gained anything from the journey fuaimeanna fánachaoccasional noises díoscadhcreaking coiscéimeanna folmhaempty footsteps stánadh fadaa long stare craos na tineadhthe roaring fire dromchlasurface cha dtig liomI can't cha dtig liom í á threorúI can't guide it déanaim iarracht a gciall a scaoileadhI try to release their meaning le rachtanna fiáinein wild fits seileogaspits sáthadh scinethe stabbing of a knife aonarachsolitary staidéarthalevel-headed teas an phaisinthe heat of passion breithbirth a cheiltto hide anáilbreath is annamhit is seldom fiúntachworthwhile dathanna seachantachaelusive colours goitsecome on, come here neadrachanests seanbhallógaíold ruins deifrehurry cha raibh faill aigehe hadn't the time contráiltewrong go brách síoraíever ag déanamh iontaiswondering i bpeannaireacht chruinn shlachtmharin accurate neat writing stócach ógyouth bodhardeaf pian a fhuilstinto suffer pain mo bheomy life lena dhornwith his fist le mé féin a chosaintto protect myself ní léimfinn amach as a bhealachI wouldn't jump out of the way cinneadhdecision cinntídecisions go fadálachslowly chan fhuil an cinneadh déantathe decision has not been made déanaim mo chac agus mo mhúnI defecate and urinate cuideachtúilhelpful athrú séasúrthe change of seasons de ghlanmheabhairoff by heart gialljaw gobachprotruding gruaig fhionnblond hair dóighiúlachtbeauty tarraingteachattractive rud inteachtsomething buaireamhsorrow ag bruidearnaighthrobbing coimhthíochstrange idir barra na gcrannbetween the tops of the trees ag iarraidh mairstin airtrying to live on it nimhneachsore bhlais mé an phianI tasted the pain tchíthear domhit seems to me go dianstrictly samhailimage mar nach bhfuil sé de dhánacht ionam a bheith éagsúilbecause I haven't got the guts to be different daonnachtaíhumanist an cine daonnathe human race bréanfoul an bréantas a cheiltto hide the foulness cumhráin bhréigefalse perfumes lofarotten gnásanna sóisialtasocial customs béasamanners seanseiteannaold sets ag foscladhopening ag scamhadhpealing creatlachframe-work creidbheáilto believe scigdhráma an tsaoilthe farce of life de réir mar atáthar ag dréimas is expected táirgíproducts caiteoir eiseamláireachexemplary spender lúcháireachjoyous teorainneacha luaisspeed limits ag cailleadh foighdelosing patience sceadamánthroat mo bhrú folamy blood pressure sciathánarm go hionraice is a thiocfadh liomas honestly as I could comhairleadvice díomádisappointment sólassolace lagmheasarthachtrather small amount ag tochailtdigging
leamh unexciting
" Maidir le cúrsaí iománaíochta 2009 tríd is tríd, ní thagaim féin le cuid de na ‘saineolaithe’ agus de na tráchtairí gairmiúla a bhfuil sé ráite acu gur bliain leamh nó lag a bhí ann.