Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
cuideachtúil sociable
" Gluais • Glossary slatairea slip ar dhath na mealahoney-coloured lasairflame tochtdeep emotion ó shaol na mbeofrom the world of the living deorantachtaloofness colgrage caidéisinquisitiveness ar a buaicat its highest point go lomghéagachwith bare limbs reoitefrozen leáitemelted carnthaheaped gágacracks saothar na seanbhaiclethe work of the old crowd cleiteánpainter's brush cuideachtúilsociable leafa gáirefaint smile brí fhiáin na beathathe wild meaning of life amhrasachsuspicious ag bá na dtuamaídrowning the tombs go híoróntaironically go neamhshaoltaethereally í a fháscadhto squeeze her tathagsubstance go duasmántagloomily ní háil léi iad a dhíolshe doesn't want to sell them an dúluachairmidwinter cor tolgachstrong turning movement Fastaím!Nonsense! an chreachthe booty bruth féasóigea fluff of beard sméid sí isteach éshe beckoned him in súimínsip coscairtthaw i ngátarin distress ar foluainfluttering i mbreo samhratain a summer-like glow ciumhaisedge ina sheilbhin his possession agus shín uaidh a lámh á lorgand he extended his hand looking for it rian a choshis footprints
fíorchuideachtúil very sociable
" Duine fíorchuideachtúil a bhí ann, a mheall chuige féin cairde de gach aicme ó Shéarlas, Twysog - Taoiseach, nó Mac Rí na Breataine Bige go dtí an dornálaí clúiteach Freddie Mills.