Gach uair a labhraíonn Ferguson fé fhréamhacha ár “sibhialtacht domhanda” nó fés na *“killer applications”* dar thug an lámh in uachtar don Iarthar nó
fé bhorradh as cuimse na Síne, is maith is cuimhin liom an t-alt sin in aiste Nietzsche nuair a mhaíonn:
*“What is history then other than the way in which the spirit of man takes in the events which are impenetrable to him, something in which only God knows whether there is a relationship holding it together, in which that spirit replaces an incomprehensible thing with something comprehensible, from the outside underwrites with his ideas of purposefulness a totality which really can be known only from within, and also assumes chance events, where a thousand small causes were at work.