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put cuir »
[A] puts pressure on [B] cuireann [A] brú ar [B] »
[people] put their heads together cuireann [daoine] a gcomhairlí le chéile »
[A] puts an end to [B] cuireann [A] deireadh le [B] »
[somebody] puts [something] under control cuireann [duine] [rud] faoi smacht »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
cuirtear an t-alt roimh an ainmfhocal sa chás seo
don't put an article before the noun in this case
seo chugat an t-ábhar le cur ar an suíomh Gréasáin
this is the content to put on the website
cuireadh chun báis iad
they were put to death
chuir béalóg ar an mhadra
he put a muzzle on the dog
cuir ar an bhord é
put it on the table
cuireadh na léirsitheoirí i bpríosún de thoradh iad a bheith i mbun agóide go síochánta
the demonstrators were put in prison for protesting peacefully
cuir brú ar an doras
put pressure on the door
brón orm as brú a chur ort
I'm sorry to put pressure on you
cuir sa chófra é go n-imeoidh muid
put it in the boot and we'll go
chuir siad a gcomhairlí i dteannta a chéile agus dúirt siad gurbh fhearr an duais a thabhairt
they put their heads togerther and said that he should be given the prize
cuir an cupán ar an tábla
put the cup on the table
cuir an litir sa phost, le do thoil
put the letter in the post please
chuir an eachtra sin deireadh leis an oíche
that event put and end to the night
cuir ort do chuid éadaí
put on your clothes
Cuir an litir sa phost, le do thoil.
Put the letter in the post please. Post the letter please.
Cuir i do phóca é.
Put in your pocket.
Bíonn cithfholcadh agam, cuirim orm mo chuid éadaí, glanaim mo chuid fiacla, agus mar sin de.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I have a shower, I put my clothes on, I brush my teeth, and so on.
Cuir an t-ungadh seo ar do lámh 'chuile mhaidin agus 'chuile oíche.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Put this ointment on your hand each morning and each night.
cuir faoin tábla é
put it under the table
fuair siad faoiseamh ón bhfuacht nuair a chuir siad a lámha timpeall na gcupán te
they got relief from the cold when they put their hands around the warm cups
chuir gach a raibh aige ina phóca
he put all he had in his pocket
cuir léine ghlan ort féin
put on a clean shirt
cuir na rudaí sin in ord de réir méide
put those things in order according to size
cuir i do phóca é
put it in your pocket
cuirfidh an litir sa phost
I'll put the letter in the post
cuir síos ar an urlár é
put it down on the floor
cuir suas ar an tseilf é
put it up on the shelf
cuir ar an tábla é
put it on the table
suigh sa charr agus tarraing umat an crios sábhála
sit in the car and put the safety belt around yourself
chuir uime a chulaith oibre
he put on his work clothes
Chuir an t-airgead go léir ar an chapall.
I put all the money on the horse.
Cuir ort do chrios slándála.
Put on your safety belt.
cuirtear an t-alt roimh an ainmfhocal sa chás seo.
Don't put an article before the noun in this case.
an téacs curtha i gcomharthaí athfhriotail agam.
I've put the text in quotation marks.
Cuir síos d'uilleannacha.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Put your elbows down.
Cuirigí bhur n-uilleannacha síos.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Put your elbows down.
Níor mhaith liom an iomarca brú a chur ort.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
I wouldn't like to put you under too much pressure.
chuirfidís san ospidéal í gan údar éigin.
They wouldn't put her in hospital without a reason.
na meáin ag déanamh ceap milleáin asainn.
The needs are putting the blame on us.
Leagadh buidéal uisce beatha roimhe.
A bottle of whiskey was put in front of him.
Mar chuid den uisce faoi thalamh lofa seo, cuireadh an prionsa i dteach na ngealt.
As part of this dirty conspiracy, the prince was put in the mad house.
d'ordóg ag cur fola. Cuir greimlín uirthi go beo!
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
Your thumb is bleeding. Put a plaster on it, for God's sake!
An mbeidh orainn cur suas leis an ngeonaíl seo ar feadh i bhfad?
Alex Hijmans: Aiséirí, Cois Life 2011
Will we have to put up with this whimpering for long?
Bhuail a mbéal fúthu i lár an urláir iad.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
He put them upside down in the middle of the floor.
Cuireadh glais lámh air.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
They put him in handcuffs.
D'fhulaingeodh rud ar bith ar a sonsa.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
He would put up with anything for her.