Pota Focal Intergaelic
| M | | |
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misniúil miste mistéir míthráthúil míthreoir míthuiscint mí-úsáid mo modh modheolaíocht modhúil modúl móid móide móilín moill moilligh móimint móin móinéar móitíf
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
mo [X] féin
my own [X]
mo charr féin
my own car
do bharúil féin
your own opinion
ár dteach féin
our own house
Is é mo an 45ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 538 focal.
Mo is the 45th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 538 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
bhfuil mo spéaclaí?
where are my glasses?
chuir mo ghualainn as alt
I dislocated my shoulder
líon mo scamhóga d'aer folláin na maidine
I filled my lungs with the bracing morning air
aiféala orm faoi na rudaí a rinne i mo shaol
I regret the things I've done in my life
an-ghnóthach ó ainmníodh i mo mhéara
I've been very busy since I was named mayor
feicim carn mór airgid i mo chuid aislingí
I see a big pile of money in my visions
bhí ag aistriú troscáin agus mo dhroim nimhneach ó shin
I was moving furniture and my back is sore since then
bhfuair aitheantas as mo chuid oibre
I didn't get recognition for my work
i mo chónaí i gCorcaigh anois
I live in Cork now
i mo chónaí in árasán
I live in an apartment
mo bhaile féin
my own home
i mo bhall den eagraíocht
I am a member of the organization
i mo chónaí i dteach beag
I live in a small house
mise i mo chónaí béal dorais uaitse
I live next door from you
bhfuil mo bhean chéile?
where is my wife?
bhí do mo bhearradh
she was shaving me
rug ar mo lámh
he grabbed my hand
ar léigh mo bhlag?
have you read my blog?
i mo chónaí ar Bhóthar na Carraige
I live on Carrick Road
breis is mo dhóthain agam
I have more than enough
más buan mo chuimhne
if my memory serves me right
if I remember correctly
goideadh mo charr
my car was stolen
thit i mo chodladh, go raibh an scannán an-suimiúil
I fell asleep even though the film was very interesting
acu de mo chairde a gheobhaidh cuireadh?
which of my friends will get an invitation?
d'éirigh liom mo cheann scríbe a bhaint amach
I managed to reach my destination
mo chéile
my spouse
thosaigh siad do mo cheistiú
they started questioning me
mise i mo chónaí cois dorais uaitse
I live next door from you
ar chas le mo chol ceathrar Neilí?
have you met my cousin Nelly?
glacaigí mo chomhairle agus bígí san airdeall ar an duine seo!
take my advice and beware of this man!
is baintreach mise agus bím ar mo chomhairle féin
I am a widow and I do what I like
i mo chónaí in Éirinn
I live in Ireland
cosúil le mo mháthair
you are like my mother
an fhadhb seo do mo chrá
this problem is tormenting me
creidmheas mo ghutháin ídithe
I'm out of phone credit
mo chroí
my heart
bhí cromtha ar mo chuid leabhar
I was stooping over my books
mo chuid oibre
my work
mo chuid scríbhinní
my writings
féidir liom a ruaigeadh as mo chuimhne
I can't you chase you out of my memory
más buan mo chuimhne
if I remember correctly
de réir mo chuimhne
as far as I remember
an tusa mo dhaidí?
are you my daddy?
daor do mo chroí
dear to my heart
an ndearna dearmad ar mo breithe?
did you forget my birthday?
féidir liom geallúintí ar a bith a thabhairt ach déanfaidh mo dhícheall
I can't promise anything but I'll do my best
seo é mo bhaile dúchais
this is my native town
gabh mo leithscéal, a dhuine uasal
excuse me, sir
níl i mo dhúiseacht go fóill
I'm not awake yet
bhfuil mo chuid eochracha?
where are my keys?
an bhfuair mo theachtaireacht?
did you get my message?
féidir liom fanacht i mo dhúiseacht
I can't stay awake
bhí ag fanacht le mo dheartháir agus i mBaile Átha Cliath
I was staying with my brother while I was in Dublin
fan as mo bhealach
stay out of my way
mise i mo chónaí díreach in aice na farraige
I live right beside the sea
i mo chónaí cois farraige
I live beside the sea
feabhas ag teacht ar mo chuid scileanna matamaitice
my mathematical skills are improving
bhfuair freagra ar mo cheist go fóill
I haven't gotten an answer to my question yet
ghearr mo chuid gruaige
I've cut my hair
mo chuid gruaige
my hair
chuaigh siad i mo theannta
they went along with me
gabh mo leithscéal? cad atá i gceist agat?
excuse me? what do you mean?
chuir cogar i mo chluas
he whispered to me
chuir siad i mo leith gur inis bréaga
they accused of having lied
shiúil i mo dhiaidh
she walked after me
rinne siad in aghaidh mo thola é
they did it against my will
i mo chónaí in aice le San Francisco
I live near San Francisco
bhí orm iomlán mo nirt a chur in úsáid
I had to use all my strength
níor ith mo bhricfeasta go fóill
I haven't eaten my breakfast yet
bhí ar mo laethanta saoire
I was on my holidays
i mo chónaí i lár na cathrach
I live in the city centre
an traein ag dul díreach ó mo theach go dtí mo láthair oibre
the train goes directly from my house to my workplace
d'fhan i mo luí ar an trá ar feadh laethuaire
I stayed lying on the beach for half an hour
mo leithscéal!
my apologies!
gabh mo leithscéal!
excuse me!
mo mhacasamhail sa rialtas eile
my counterpart in the other government
teastaíonn uaim labhairt leat maidir le mo chonradh
I need to talk to you about my contract
níor mhaith liom bheith i mo chónaí ann
I wouldn't like to live there
ag dul as mo mheabhair
I am going mad
mo dheartháir agus mise an-mhór le chéile
my brother and I are great friends
thug cuairt ar mo mhuintir
I visited my folks
I visited my family
bhí ar saoire le mo mhuintir
I was on holiday with my family
níl an siopa ach leathmhíle ó mo theach
the shop is only half a mile from my house
i mo shuí ó mhaidin
I have been on my feet since morning
is as an Pholainn ó dhúchas , ach i mo chónaí in Éirinn anois
I am from Poland originally but I live in Ireland now
gabhaim pardún agat as mo chuid droch-Ghaeilge
I beg your pardon for my atrocious Irish
pian i mo bholg
I have a stomach-ache
a rún mo chroí!
oh love of my heart!
scartha ó mo bhean chéile
I am separated from my wife
i mo sheasamh taobh thiar den chuntar ar feadh an lae
I've been standing behind the counter all day
seo é mo theach
this is my house
seo mo mháthair
this is my mother
sin é mo theach
that is my house
i mo chónaí ar Shráid na hEaglaise
I live in Church Street
i mo shuí
I am sitting
daoine a dhéanann talamh slán de mo dhílseacht
people who take my loyalty for granted
i mo chónaí taobh amuigh den bhaile
I live outside town
na daoine i mo thimpeall
the people around me