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de | íde | -ne | ode | -se
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
dáréag dáta dath dátheangach dátheangachas dathúil de deacair déach deachtóir deachtóireacht deachúlach deacracht déadach déag déagóir dealaigh dealbh dealbhóir dealbhóireacht
cuid den airgead caite agam
I have spent some of the money
d'fhág go leor de na prátaí ar an tábla
he left enough of the potatoes on the plate
alt 3 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil
article 3 of the Local Government Act
seo é ceann de na botúin a rinne
this is one of the mistakes you made
beirt de na múinteoirí is fearr in Albain
two of the best teachers in Scotland
seo duine de na daoine nár íoc an táille
this one of the people who didn’t pay the fee
motion off the surface of something
bain díot do chóta
take off your coat
tóg den chathaoir é
take it off the chair
thosaigh daoine ag tuirlingt den traein
people started getting off the train
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
+an: den
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
baineann [A] an ceann de [B]
[A] cuts [B's] head off
baineadh an ceann den
the king was decapitated
bainfidh an ceann díot fheiceann thú!
she will cut your head off if she sees you!
cuid de [rud]
some of [something]
cuid den airgead
some of the money
cuid de na daoine
some of the people
de cheart ag [duine] [rud a dhéanamh]
[somebody] has the right [to do something]
de cheart agat dlíodóir a fháil
you have the right to get a lawyer
beidh de cheart ag an pharlaimint an buiséad a leasú
the parliament will have the right to amend the budget
bain an ceann de
baineann [A] an ceann de [B]
[A] cuts [B's] head off
baineadh an ceann den
the king was decapitated
bainfidh an ceann díot fheiceann thú!
she will cut your head off if she sees you!
[rud] de dhíth ar [dhuine]
[somebody] needs [something]
cad é atá de dhíth ort?
what do you want?
faigheann [duine] bás le [rud]
faigheann [duine] bás de [rud]
[somebody] dies of [something]
bain [A] de [B]
take [A] off [B]
bhain an pictiúr den bhalla
he took the picture off the wall
bain díot do chóta
take off your coat
bain de
take off
bain [A] de [B]
take [A] off [B]
bhain an pictiúr den bhalla
he took the picture off the wall
bain díot do chóta
take off your coat
de bharr
because of
as a result
de bharr [ruda]
because of [something]
as a result of [something]
cuireadh an turas ar ceal de bharr drochaimsire
the tour was cancelled because of bad weather
de dheasca
because of
de ghnáth
éirím ar a hocht de ghnáth
I usually get up at eight
de réir
according to
de réir [ruda]
in accordance with [something]
according to [something]
de thairbhe
because of
de dhéantús [xyz]
made by [xyz]
fíon de dhéantús baile
home-made wine
carr de dhéantús Volvo
a car made by Volvo
bogearraí de dhéantús na hÉireann
software made in Ireland
tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéantús an duine
natural and man-made disasters
de dheasca [ruda]
as a consequence of [something]
[rud] de dhíth
[something] is needed
a fhios agam cad atá de dhíth
I know what is needed
leanann [duine] de [rud]
[somebody] continues [something]
leanfar den chúrsa sa chéad seimeastar eile
the course will be continued in the next semester
a leithéid de [rud]
a leithéid [ruda]
such a [thing]
níor chuala a leithéid de sheafóid riamh
I've never heard such nonsense
de bharr
because of
agus mar sin de
and so on
cumadóirí, ceoltóirí, rinceoirí, agus mar sin de
composers, musicians, dancers and so on
an chuid is de [rud]
most of [something]
an chuid is de na daoine anseo
most of the people are here
an chuid is den obair déanta
most of the work is done
taobh amuigh de [rud]
outside of [something]
an tír taobh amuigh den Aontas Eorpach
the country is outside the European Union
i mo chónaí taobh amuigh den bhaile
I live outside town
taobh istigh de [rud]
inside [something]
within [something]
fan taoibh istigh den fhoirgneamh
stay inside the building
déanann [duine] talamh slán de [rud]
[somebody] takes [something] for granted
déan talamh slán de go dtiocfaidh
do not take it for granted that she will come
dhearna talamh slán de rud ar bith
she didn't take anything for granted
daoine a dhéanann talamh slán de mo dhílseacht
people who take my loyalty for granted
de cheal [ruda]
ceal [ruda]
due to lack of [something]
for want of [something]
fágadh an obair gan críochnú de cheal ama
the work was left unfinished due to lack of time
dúnadh an scoil ceal múinteoirí oilte
the school was closed due to lack of qualified teachers
fiafraíonn [A] de [B]
[A] asks [B]
d'fhiafraigh díom raibh
she asked me where I was
beart de réir briathair
actions according to words
rinne muid beart de réir briathair
we did as we said we would
de- dí- »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
ceann de na carranna seo
one of these cars
níl againn de theilifís ach a dtagann isteach tríd an aeróg
we only have the TV that comes in through the aerial
leagtar srianta ar an nGobharnóir de bhua Acht an Bhainc Ceannais
the Governor is subject to limitations by virtue of the Central Bank Act
ba chóir achar de roinnt ciliméadar a fhágáil idir muileann gaoithe agus teach cónaithe
you should leave a distance of several kilometers between a windmill and a residential house
de bharr [ruda]
because of [something]
as a result of [something]
de réir mo chuimhne
as far as I remember
cuid de na daoine
some of the people
beidh de cheart ag an pharlaimint an buiséad a leasú
the parliament will have the right to amend the budget
de cheart agat dlíodóir a fháil
you have the right to get a lawyer
carr de dhéantús Volvo
a car made by Volvo
acu de mo chairde a gheobhaidh cuireadh?
which of my friends will get an invitation?
tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéantús an duine
natural and man-made disasters
bíonn na hÉireannaigh an-chairdiúil de ghnáth
the Irish are usually very friendly
déanann féin an stair de bharr do chinntí, do thuairimí agus do bhearta
you yourself make history wth your decisions, your opinions and your actions
a fhios agam cad atá de dhíth
I know what is needed
thug barróg dom a bhí lán de chroí
he gave me a heartfelt hug
foirgnimh de chuid Gaudí rud beag ait
Gaudí's buildings are a little strange
cuireadh na léirsitheoirí i bpríosún de thoradh iad a bheith i mbun agóide go síochánta
the demonstrators were put in prison for protesting peacefully
duine de na mná ádhúla a bhfuil na fir de shíor ina ndiaidh
I am not one of those luvcky women who are constantly chased by men
siad san abar de bharr na ráiteas atá déanta acu
they are in trouble because of the statements they made
raibh muid ábalta an teach a fhágáil de bharr na báistí
we couldn't leave the house because of the rain
tabharfar liúntas de bhua Alt 279
an allowance will be awarded by virtue of Article 279
an chuid is de na daoine anseo
most of the people are here
duine de na cailíní sin
one of those girls
dhúisigh de phreab
I woke up with a start
iasacht de charr
a loan of a car
faoi 1865 bhí úinéaracht daoine in aghaidh an dlí in gach ceann de na Stáit Aontaithe
by 1865, owning people was against the law in each of the United States
cuirfimid d'ordú chun bealaigh laistigh de thrí oibre
we will dispatch your order within three working days
lán de dhaoine
full of people
an seomra lán de dheatach
the room is full of smoke
raibh cead ag ár leithéidí dul go dtí an taobh thiar de Bhalla Bheirlín
people like us weren't allowed to go to the western side of the Berlin Wall
cuir na rudaí sin in ord de réir méide
put those things in order according to size
an bhfuil níos de dhíth ort?
do you need more?
ó thaobh líon na bhfocal de, an foclóir seo sách mór
as far as number of words is concerned, this dictionary is quite big
rogha de cháiseanna
selection of cheeses
an de theaghlach ceolmhar thú?
are you from a musical family?
Saorghluaiseacht laistigh den Aontas Eorpach.
Freedom of movement within the European Union.
Déanann féin an stair de bharr do chinntí, do thuairimí agus do bhearta.
You yourself make history with your decisions, your opinions and your actions.
Is ball den Gharda Síochána é.
He is a member of the police.
Bhí i mo sheasamh taobh thiar den chuntar ar feadh an lae.
I was standing behind the counter all day.
thuirling an t-eitleán ar thalamh de phlimp
the airplane suddenly landed on the ground
réitíonn an t-ainmfhocal agus an aidiacht ó thaobh inscne de
the noun and the adjective agree in gender
rinneadh de nuair a shroich 18 mbliana d'aois
he was made king when he reached 18 years of age
pictiúr díot ar chlúdach na hirise.
There is a picture of you on the cover of the magazine.
de réir mar is gnách ar fud na hEorpa
as is usual all over Europe
Níl suim laghad agam i bpeil.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I'm not at all interested in football.
Éirím ag a a chlog de ghnáth.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I usually wake at six o'clock.
Bíonn cithfholcadh agam, cuirim orm mo chuid éadaí, glanaim mo chuid fiacla, agus mar sin de.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I have a shower, I put my clothes on, I brush my teeth, and so on.
Cén den tseachtain ab fhearr libh taisteal?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
What day of the week would you prefer to travel?
Pól bliana d'aois agus dhá bhliain ag Nuala.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
Pól is six years old and Nuala has two years.
Leanaí faoi bhun deich mbliana d'aois.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
Children under ten years of age.
Seo é an leagan is deireanaí de mo CV.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Here is the latest version of my CV.
ocht mbliana d'aois.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am eight years old.
Naoi mbliana d'aois.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Nine years old.
bliana déag d'aois.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am sixteen years old.
dhá bhliain d'aois.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
He is two years old.
vótálaí rialta de chuid Shinn Féin
a regular Sinn Féin voter