Pota Focal Intergaelic
| thrí | | tríd | trír
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
treisigh tréith treo treoir treoirleabhar treoraí treoraigh trí triacla triail triall trian triantán triarach trilliún trilseán trioblóid tríocha tríochadú triomadóir triomaigh
uimhir a trí
number three
trí phionta
three pints
na trí phionta
the three pints
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Is é trí an 56ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 660 focal.
Trí is the 56th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 660 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
chaith trí bliana thall ansin
I spent three years over there
ag obair sa siopa seo le trí bliana
I've been working in this shop for three years
trí bhosca is seasca
sixty three boxes
a móide a trí
two plus three
ag a trí a chlog
at three o'clock
beidh an teocht thart ar thrí chéim Celsius
the temperature will be around three grades Celsius
tháinig muid i dtrátha a trí a chlog
we came at about three o'clock
tábla trí cholún
a table with three columns
an teach trí slat ón fharraige
the house is three yards from the sea
uimhir seasca a trí
number sixty three
trí mhilliún bosca
three million boxes
trí mhilliún
three million
teagasc trí mheán na Gaeilge
teaching through the medium of Irish
scaipigí an scéal trí bhur gcuid líonraí sóisialta
spread the news through your social networks
cuirfimid d'ordú chun bealaigh laistigh de thrí oibre
we will dispatch your order within three working days
trí huaire in aghaidh an lae
three times a day
trí chéim is fiche
twenty three degrees
uimhir fiche a trí
number twenty three
trí phota dhéag
thirteen pots
a trí a chlog
it is three o'clock
ar a trí a chlog
at three o'clock
trí bliana agat orm
you are three years older than me
you are three years ahead of me
muid ar saoire agus bheidh muid ach trí seachtaine sa Spidéal.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
We are on vacation and we will be in An Spidéal for only three weeks.
trí chéad euro sa .
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
It is 300 euros a month.
mhéad a móide a trí?
How much is two plus three?
Tosóidh muid ar a trí a chlog.
We'll start at three o'clock.
de bhua ag na cláir thaithí oibre go bhfaighidh eolas ar an obair trí í a dhéanamh.
The advantange of work experience programs is that you learn the work by doing it.
Bíonn trí litir ag deireadh ainm gach comhaid chun a chur in iúl cén cineál comhaid atá ann.
There are three letters at the end of each file name to indicate what type of file it is.
chóir a bheith trí bliana d'aois
he is almost tree years old
mhéad atá agat? - trí cinn
how many have you got? - three
cuireadh moill trí orm san aerfort
I was delayed in the airport by three days
trí sheomra codlata, cisteanach agus seomra suite ann.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
Anois, sin trí euro deich cent ar fad, le do thoil.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Now, that's three euros ten cents total, please.
Níl pósta ach ag siúl amach le duine éigin le trí bliana anois.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
I'm not married but I've been going out with someone for three years now.
fhéadfadh eitleán dul an bealach ar fad tríd an bhfoirgneamh, an bhféadfadh?
'Beo!', beo.ie
An airplane couldn't go all the way through the building, could it?
Bhí dhá fhoirgneamh an Lárionad Trádála trí thine.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The two Trade Centre buildings were on fire.
Bhí ag spágáil leis fríd an tsneachta.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
He was wading through the snow.
Trí euro is fiche.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
Twenty-three euros.
trí aerárthach ag an rialtas
the government has three aircraft
i mo chónaí in uimhir a trí, Sráid Mhór, árasán a .
Diarmuid Ó Sé, Joseph Shiels: Teach Yourself Irish, Teach Yourself Books, 1998
I live in number three, High Street, apartment two.
Feicfidh thú ag a trí a chlog.
I'll see you at three o'clock.
trí bliana níos sine mise.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
She is three years older than me.
mhéad seomra atá sa teach? - Trí cinn.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
How many rooms are there in the house? - Three.
Trí chéad euro sa mhí.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
Three hundred euro per month.
Seanteach sraithe atá ann agus níl ach trí sheomra ann.
'Gaeilge gan Stró!', Beginners Level, ranganna.com
It's an old terraced house and there are only three rooms.
Bíodh trí splaideog chéille agat!
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
Have a spark of sense!
trí bliana agat orm.
You are three years older than me.
An leor trí ?
Are three days enough?