Pota Focal Intergaelic
tiús | trús | | túis | ús
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
turasóir turasóireacht turcaí turcaid turgnamh turscar turtar tús tusa tútach uacht uachtar uachtarach uachtarán uachtaránacht uafás uafásach uaigh uaigneas uaillmhian uaimh
OPPOSITE: deireadh
tús na bliana
the beginning of the year
tús an turais
the start of the journey
tharla ag tús na bliana
it happened at the beginning of the year
bhí deacrachtaí againn ag an tús
we had problems at the start
tosaigh ag an tús
start at the beginning
cuireann [duine] tús le [rud]
[somebody] starts [something]
sibhse a chuir tús leis an chogadh
you started the war
chuir siad tús le siamsaíocht na hoíche
they started the evening's entertainment
ar dtús
at first
ar dtús, ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur roimh gach éinne
at first, I would like to welcome everybody
Foirmeacha gramadaí
Grammatical forms
Iontrálacha gaolmhara
Related entries
i dtús
at the beginning
i dtús [ruda]
at the beginning of [something]
i dtús na seachtóidí thosaigh daoine ag filleadh ar ais abhaile
at the start of the seventies people started to return home
i dtús báire
at first
at the start
bhí lách i dtús báire ach d'athraigh an port tar éis tamaill
she was nice at first but she changed the tune after a while
tús áite
prominent position
tús áite ag [rud]
has prirority
bíonn tús áite ag an Ghaeilge i gcónaí
the Irish language always has prirority
tugann [duine] tús áite do [rud]
[somebody] gives prominence to [something]
tugann an nuachtán seo tús áite do thuairimí na heite deise
this newspaper gives prominence to right-wing opinions
tús cadhnaíochta
leading position
[duine] ar thús cadhnaíochta
[somebody] is in leading position
bhíodh i gcónaí ar thús cadhnaíochta nuair a bhíodh cruinniú ar siúl
he always took the lead when there was a meeting
bhí an comhlacht ar thús cadhnaíochta in earnáil na ríomhaireachta
the company was at the vanguard in the computer industry
Is é tús an 183ú focal is minice úsáid sa Ghaeilge. Tagann sé chun cinn uair amháin i ngach 2,206 focal.
Tús is the 183th most frequently used word in Irish. It occurs once in every 2,206 words.
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
an focal ag tús na habairte
the word at the beginning of the sentence
gheobhaidh clár na n-ábhar ag tús an leabhair
you will find the table of contents at the beginning of the book
ag tús na caibidle
at the beginning of the chapter
ag tús an lae
at the beginning of the day
tús an tsamhraidh
the beginning of the summer
tús na seachtaine
the beginning of the week
Is maith liom bricfeasta mór a ithe ag tús an lae.
I like to eat a big breakfast at the beginning of the day.
Ag tús na caibidle a tharla an dúnmharú.
The murder happened at the beginning of the chapter.
Léigh an focal ag tús na habairte.
Read the word at the beginning of the sentence.
Bhí deacrachtaí againn ag an tús.
We had difficulties at the start.
Gormaigh i Meiriceá ón tús.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Black people have been in America since the beginning.