Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
stráice strainséir straitéis straitéiseach streachail striapach stríoc struchtúr strus stua stuaim stuama stuara stuif stumpa suáilce suáilceach suaimhneach suaimhneas suaitheantas
stroke buille »
stroke cuimil »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
chuaigh muid i mbun cainte
we started to talk
we stroke up a conversation
an cat a chuimilt
to stroke the cat
cuimil an cat, maith leis é.
Do not stroke the cat, he doesn't like it.