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question ceistigh »
question ceist »
in question i gceist »
[A] asks [B] a question cuireann [A] ceist ar [B] »
raise a question tóg ceist »
[somebody] raises a question tógann [duine] ceist »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
go deimhin, ceisteanna go leor nár freagraíodh go fóill, go háirithe na cinn faoi fhoirgneamh a seacht
indeed, there are still some unanswered questions, expecially those about building seven
chuir glaoch uirthi agus chuir ceist uirthi
I called her and asked her a question
súil agam nár chuir barraíocht ceisteanna ort
I hope I didn't ask you too many questions
an cheist deacair
the question is hard
ceisteanna aisteacha
strange questions
an cheist
the question
chuir siad an cheist chéanna orm arís agus arís
they asked me the same question again and again
thosaigh siad do mo cheistiú
they started questioning me
níos ama uaim chun an cheist a chíoradh i gceart
I need more time to examine the question properly
cóir do na póilíní ceisteanna mar seo a chur orm
it is not appropriate for the police to ask me such questions
ceist dháiríre
a serious question
beidh ort déileáil leis an cheist
you will have to deal with the question
caithfidh an cheist a fhiosrú
I need to look into the question
d'fhreagair na ceisteanna
she answered the questions
Anois, ba mhaith liom cúpla ceist eile a chur ort faoi chaitheamh aimsire.
Éamonn Ó Dónaill: Turas Teanga, RTÉ/Gill & Macmillan, 2004
Now, I'd like to ask you a couple more questions about pastimes.
de bhua aici ceisteanna cliste a chur.
She has a talent for asking clever questions.
B'amaideach an mhaise domsa an cheist a chur.
It was foolish of me to ask that question.
Is é fáth mo shuime sa cheist seo thar cheisteanna eile go mbaineann liom go pearsanta.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The reason why I am interested in this question more than other questions is because it concerns me personally.
An cheist is atá ag déanamh scime do sheirbhísí rúnda Mheiriceá , bhfuil na spiairí Rúiseacha?
'Beo!', beo.ie
The question that bothers the American secret services most is, where are the Russian spies?
Glanadh na ceisteanna aisteacha seo amach as m'intinn go tobann.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Those strange questions were suddenly cleared out of my mind.
nárbh é an sclábhaíocht an t-aon chúis le cogadh cathartha na Stát Aontaithe, ba cheist lárnach í.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Although slavery was not the only cause of the United States civil war, it was a central question.
bhfuair freagra ar mo cheist go fóill
I haven't gotten an answer to my question yet
chuir ceist orm, ach níor thug freagra
he asked me a question but I didn't answer him
an cheist i bhfad níos soiléire anois
the question is much clearer now
freagair na ceisteanna, le do thoil
answer the questions, please
ceist na Gaeilge
the Irish-language question
níl freagra do cheiste agam
I don't have the answer to your question
freagra na ceiste é seo
this is not the answer to the question
chuir ceist ar an duine sin
I asked that person a question
tógadh ceist shuimiúil aréir
an interesting question was raised last night
Ceist dháiríre é seo.
This is a serious question.
Tógadh ceist shuimiúil sa chruinniú.
An interesting question was raised in the meeting.
Eascraíonn an cheist:...
'Beo!', beo.ie
This raises a question:...