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meascán meascra meastachán measúnacht measúnaigh meath meathlú meicneoir meicníocht méid meidhir meil méin meirbh meirg meirge Meiriceánach meirleach meisce meisciúil meitéareolaíocht
medium meán »
the media na meáin chumarsáide »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
amanna, tugann na meáin aird ar na cásanna sin, amanna eile thugann
sometimes the media pay attention to those cases, other times they don't
ar chomhairle Thomáis aontaíodh gan aon rud a leis na meáin
on Thomas's advice it was agreed not to say anything to the media
teagasc trí mheán na Gaeilge
teaching through the medium of Irish
feachtas fógraíochta sna meáin chumarsáide
an advertising campaign in the media
cumhacht na meán
the power of the media
an spórt níos feiceálaí ar na saolta seo a bhuí leis na meáin
sport is more visible nowadays thanks to the media
Níl neart againn ar chumhacht na meán.
There is nothing we can do about the power of the media.
Thug an Príomh-Aire le fios do na meáin go raibh ar éirí as.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The Prime Minister announced to the media that he was about to resign.
Traidhfil blianta ó shin, bhíothas ag caint ar bhreacadh úr do na meáin chumarsáide.
'Beo!', beo.ie
A few years ago people were talking about the dawning of a new age for the media.
Bhí an cás ina phríomhscéal ag na meáin fhadbhunaithe ar feadh breis is seachtaine.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The affair was main news in the established media for over a week.
na meáin chumarsáide i seilbh lucht an rachmais.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The media are owned by the rich.