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government rialtas »
coalition government comhrialtas »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
trí aerárthach ag an rialtas
the government has three aircraft
aire rialtais
a government minister
rialtas na hAlban
the Scottish government
bhagair go dtarraingeodh a pháirtí amach as an rialtas
he threatened that he would pull his party out of government
alt 3 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil
article 3 of the Local Government Act
conas a dhéileálfaidh an rialtas le fadhb na dífhostaíochta?
how will the government deal with the problem of unemployment?
freagra an rialtais ar an ghéarchéim eacnamaíochta
the government's response to the economic crisis
más amhlaidh go bhfuil na páirtithe sásta cumhacht a roinnt, beidh comhrialtas ann sul i bhfad
if it is the case that the parties are ready to share power, there will be a coalition government before long
mo mhacasamhail sa rialtas eile
my counterpart in the other government
polasaí an rialtais
the government's policy
Dúradh léi go mbeadh uirthi €500 a íoc leis an rialtas.
'Beo!', beo.ie
She was told that she would have to pay €500 to the government.