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foraoiseacht foras forás forbair forbairt forbróir forc foréigean forlámhas forleathan forléine forlíonadh formáidiú formhéadaigh formhór forneart forógra fórsa forscáth forsheomra fós
force éigean »
force forneart »
force fórsa »
power, force, energy cumhacht »
task force tascfhórsa »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
chaith na fórsaí slándála go brúidiúil le lucht na hagóide
the security forces treated the protesters brutally
chuir iallach uirthi an páiste a thabhairt uaithi
he forced her to give up the child
Ceithre seachtainí i ndiaidh na n-ionsaithe rinne fórsaí Mheiriceá ionruathar isteach san Afganastáin.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Four weeks after the attacks American forces carried out an invasion i to Afghanistan.
B'fhéidir go raibh a fhios ag Bin Laden sular mharaigh fórsaí speisialta Mheiriceá é gur athraigh an domhan as cuimse.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Maybe Bin Laden knew before he was killed by American special forces that he had changed the world utterly.
Éilíonn gontacht na formáide (140 carachtar) nach dtéann an scríbhneoir chun fadála ina chuid smaointe.
'Beo!', beo.ie
The brevity of the format (140 characters) forces the writer to avoid verbosity in his thoughts.
Chuir iachall uirthi an páiste a thabhairt uaithi.
He forced her to give up the child.