Pota Focal Intergaelic
cast | cist | coast | cos | cosc
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
cosán cosantóir cosc coscán coslia cosmaid cosmhuintir cósta costas cosúil cosúlacht cóta cothabháil cothaigh cothaitheach cothrom cothromaigh cothromaíocht cothromóid cothú crá
cost cosain »
cost costas »
[something] costs [somebody] [money] cosnaíonn [rud] [airgead] ar [dhuine] »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
cad a chosnaíonn an cháis seo?
what does this cheese cost?
chosain ceithre euro orm
it cost me four euro
bhí costas an lóistín níos airde mar a cheap muid
the accommodaton costs were higher than we thought
thairg siad a chostais taistil a íoc
they offered him to pay his travel costs
cosnaíonn airgead daoine a fhostú
it costs money to employ people
cosnaíonn seacht bpunt
it costs seven pounds
mo chuid costas taistil
my travel costs
beidh orainn costas na sochraide a íoc
we will have to pay the funeral costs
íocfaidh an binse as costais dlí a thiteann ar dhuine.
The tribunal will not pay for legal costs incurred by a person.
De bharr na bhforbairtí seo bhí bosca uirlisí cumarsáide ag an saoránach a thug deis feidhmiú mar iriseoir ar bhonn domhanda agus ar bheagán costais.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Because of these developments, the citizen now had a toolbox that gave him the chance to function as a journalist, globally and at little cost.