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Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
cuircín tuft of feathers
" Tá brollach fionn air agus cuircín ar a cheann.
dos cabáiste tuft of cabbage
" * Gluais &#149; Glossary as an tom coillfrom the hazel bush scoilbsplinters ina chiotógin his left hand cloch speilescythe-stone faobharsharp edge lann na scinethe blade of the knife dheamhan a gcloisfeadh sé béicíl na ngasúrhe wouldn't hear the shouting of the children araebecause clósyard i ngeall ar an mbáisteachbecause of the rain a ghoilehis stomach dornán eileanother small quantity slámamount ag an gcrann mór darachat the big oak tree beartbundle lagweak an scoththe best cáilreputation a bhí uaidhthat he wanted garbhchomhaireamha rough count deich scillingten shillings gadwithe, rope chuir sé an ruaig ar an madrahe chased the dog seascaircosy, snug caonachmoss stoc storrúil an chrainnthe strong trunk of the tree choisrigh sé é féinhe blessed himself éadan síonchaite rocachweather-worn wrinkled face ar mhullach a chinnon the top of his head scáinteacht ghruaigesparseness of hair bun tornapathe bottom of a turnip eala bhána white swan ag fairewatching thuirling an spideog ar an talamhthe robin landed on the ground le dúilwith desire ag preabadhjumping ruainnín aráina small piece of bread beathafood sprúillemorsel ag samhlúimagining síógínlittle fairy dea-shíóga good fairy de dhoirte dhairtedartingly, suddenly a dhá luaithe isas soon as in airde ar leac na fuinneoigeup on the window-sill a broinn deargher red breast giodamachfrisky, jaunty mífhoighdeachimpatient ag bíogaílchirping go háiridespecially uaibhreachproud, spirited ar leathadhopen lena bréagadhtoo woo her babhtaísometimes cuinneogchurn drisiúrdresser dos cabáistetuft of cabbage máimín fataía handful of potatoes ag cuardach na nuachreafóigesearching the new soil cruimhmaggot bagrachthreatening binnsweet a ghlaoití amanta air féinhe used to be called sometimes spideoga difriúladifferent robins á leanúintfolllowing him conairpathway ag moilliúslowing nuair a d'iniúch séwhen he examined súil ribesnare (of thin cord or wire) d'fheith siseshe waited de réir dealraimhapparently ina ghnóthaíin his affairs ar nós gasúirínlike a young child go n-abrofaíthat it be said gileacht a súlthe brightness of her eyes frídthe smallest thing go beachtprecisely chomh haerach céannaevery bit as lively achairína very short time seafóidnonsense <td cl
gach ribe dá dhlaoi every strand of his tuft
" An dara sainchomhartha a léirigh sé ná gur dhírigh sé é féin i ndiaidh gach buille acu, agus gur chóirigh sé a chuid gruaige go dtí go raibh gach ribe dá dhlaoi go snasta slíoctha, agus gur fhógair os comhair an tsaoil: “Mise a bhuaigh an toghchán, bíodh a fhios agaibh!” Is galar tromchúiseach é an Endazheimers, gan aon agó.