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Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
den Mhac Drabhlásach of the Prodigal Son
" Is é an chéad rud a rinne sé ná pictiúr den Mhac Drabhlásach a chrochadh ar bhosca na faoistine in aice lena ainm féin! "Mise anois an Mac Drabhlásach tagtha abhaile," ar sé, sa chéad seanmóir a thug sé.
an mac drabhlásach the prodigal son
" * Gluais • Glossary úrscéalnovel gráinhatred shamhlaigh séhe imagined údar bróidreason to be proud brúpressure déistindisgust ní túisceno sooner scíthrest bata agus bótharthe sack cloí leis an spriocto stick to deadlines sobalcólaísoapaholic mealltabeguiled sáiteengrossed fuil ina chuisleblood in his veins anáil ina pholláiríbreath in his nostrils ruaig séhe banished néaróganerves mírpiece airdattention torann ceolmhar an fhóinthe musical noise of the phone a leannán nuaher new boyfriend lán de chacfull of shit giúmar an leithristoilet humour dleachtaroyalties go borbabruptly go searbhasachsarcastically ag caint seafóidetalking rubbish sáiteánjibe otharpatient a ainm baistehis first name gearáncomplaint údarreason chaon duineeach of us ciontachguilty tostsilence mar is iondúilas usual cruógachbusy garmhacgrandson cionaffection a d’aimsigh an galar sinwho discovered the disease in éindí léialong with her sách ísealin a low voice béimstress ar bís le thú a fheiceáildying to see you tá do thuairisc á cur aicishe's asking for you dearmadachforgetful contúirteachdangerous d’fhéadfadh sí an teach a lasadhshe could set the house alight airecare go mífhoighdeachimpatiently aird iomlán a dhíriú ar a chuid oibreto fully concentrate on his work díomhaoinidle docharharm cuideachtacompany aghaidh a phróiseálaí focalin front of the word processor dá dtiocfadh an crú ar an tairneif the worst came to the worst curtha amúwasted leath a dhóthain ama dóhalf enough time to him coscban seafóidrubbish iarrachteffort chéad Chomaoineachfirst hold Communion ag tnúth leis an lá mórlooking forward to the big day an mac drabhlásachthe prodigal son brionglóiddream den seandéanamhof the old kind greamaithe lena rúitín le sreang leictreachaistied to his ankle with an electric cable deisopportunity smaoineamhidea ar scáileánon screen aiféalaregret an cailín ba thaitneamhaí sa sobaldrámathe most likeable girl in the soap opera in ainm is a bheith ag réiteachsupposed to be preparing greimbite ag béiceach agus ag screadaílshouting and screaming i mbun trodaengaged in fighting iontas na n-iontassurprise surprise iriseoirjournalist taithíexperience comhiriseoirfellow journalist mionsciortamini-skirt beannacht a bhí ceilte air go dtí sina blessing in disguise ar mhaithe lena cheirdfor the sake of his trade
an mac drabhlásach the prodigal son
" * Gluais • Glossary úrscéalnovel gráinhatred shamhlaigh séhe imagined údar bróidreason to be proud brúpressure déistindisgust ní túisceno sooner scíthrest bata agus bótharthe sack cloí leis an spriocto stick to deadlines sobalcólaísoapaholic mealltabeguiled sáiteengrossed fuil ina chuisleblood in his veins anáil ina pholláiríbreath in his nostrils ruaig séhe banished néaróganerves mírpiece airdattention torann ceolmhar an fhóinthe musical noise of the phone a leannán nuaher new boyfriend lán de chacfull of shit giúmar an leithristoilet humour dleachtaroyalties go borbabruptly go searbhasachsarcastically ag caint seafóidetalking rubbish sáiteánjibe otharpatient a ainm baistehis first name gearáncomplaint údarreason chaon duineeach of us ciontachguilty tostsilence mar is iondúilas usual cruógachbusy garmhacgrandson cionaffection a d’aimsigh an galar sinwho discovered the disease in éindí léialong with her sách ísealin a low voice béimstress ar bís le thú a fheiceáildying to see you tá do thuairisc á cur aicishe's asking for you dearmadachforgetful contúirteachdangerous d’fhéadfadh sí an teach a lasadhshe could set the house alight airecare go mífhoighdeachimpatiently aird iomlán a dhíriú ar a chuid oibreto fully concentrate on his work díomhaoinidle docharharm cuideachtacompany aghaidh a phróiseálaí focalin front of the word processor dá dtiocfadh an crú ar an tairneif the worst came to the worst curtha amúwasted leath a dhóthain ama dóhalf enough time to him coscban seafóidrubbish iarrachteffort chéad Chomaoineachfirst hold Communion ag tnúth leis an lá mórlooking forward to the big day an mac drabhlásachthe prodigal son brionglóiddream den seandéanamhof the old kind greamaithe lena rúitín le sreang leictreachaistied to his ankle with an electric cable deisopportunity smaoineamhidea ar scáileánon screen aiféalaregret an cailín ba thaitneamhaí sa sobaldrámathe most likeable girl in the soap opera in ainm is a bheith ag réiteachsupposed to be preparing greimbite ag béiceach agus ag screadaílshouting and screaming i mbun trodaengaged in fighting iontas na n-iontassurprise surprise iriseoirjournalist taithíexperience comhiriseoirfellow journalist mionsciortamini-skirt beannacht a bhí ceilte air go dtí sina blessing in disguise ar mhaithe lena cheirdfor the sake of his trade
caifeach wasteful, prodigal
" Aontaím go hiomlán nár cheart do dhaoine a bheith caifeach san airgead nach bhfuil acu, ach má stopann achan uile dhuine, fiú iad siúd a bhfuil an t-airgead acu, caillfear níos mó postanna fós.