Pota Focal Intergaelic
Gluais TíHouse Glossary Gluais Beo!Beo! Glossary TeasárasThesaurus BriathraVerbs
gineadóir generator
" * Gluais • Glossary dul i dtaithí arget used to seanmóirsermon léachtaíreadings gnáthchomhráordinary conversation chomh tuirseach is a bhínnhow tired I used to be luasspeed sruth caintea stream of words foighneachpatient botúinmistakes séiplíneachchaplain bosca faoistineconfession box ag éisteachthearing confessions eascainíswearing iarrachtattempt leithreastoilet sna Flaithisin Heaven seálshawl sa Nigéirin Nigeria deoisediocese gáneed ualachburden misneachhope leictreachaselectricity cuisneoirífridges cadhnrabattery a bheadh le luchtúwhich would have to be charged gineadóirgenerator go han-spárálachvery sparingly scannán an-mholtaa highly-praised film deontasgrant bolgánbulb mionrud éiginsome small thing le caoi a chur airto repair it m'airdmy attention draíochtmagic a d'ardaíodh mo chroíwhich used to lift my heart a chuaigh i bhfeidhm go mór ormthat really made an impression on me spioradáltachtspirituality achrannquarrelling aighnisdisputes tuairimí láidrestrong opinions pearsantachtaí láidrestrong personalities in árach a chéileat loggerheads Ghoill naimhdeas mar sin go mór ormthat sort of hostility really upset me chruthódh séit would prove turas na croisethe stations of the cross an CarghasLent aisteachstrange gníomh creidimhan act of faith ráiteasstatement briathar Déthe word of God béimemphasis trí chéilein general gannscarce comaoineachcommunion fireann nó baineannmale and female an-ghar don nádúrvery close to nature do bhaol a mbáiteto the danger of being drowned scór ógánachtwenty young men a bádhwho were drowned truamhéalachheart-breaking strompthastiff ina baclainnon her arm mothúcháinemotions ar tír móron the mainland ag cur láimhe ina mbás féincommitting suicide d'aireofáyou would feel bádrowning sciobadh na farraigethe sea's snatching sólássolace i gcréin the soil i ngaineamh na cillein the sand of the grave faraoralas uaigneas imeachtathe loneliness of departure cé is moite de na laethanta saoireapart from the holidays a fhilleann go lánaimsearthawho return on a full-time basis de cheal postanna feiliúnachadue to a lack of suitable jobs ábhair acadúlaacademic subjects
saghas nua gineadóra cumhachta toinne an new kind of wavepower generator
"saghas nua gineadóra cumhachta toinne, ar a dtugtar Wavebob, ceaptha ag fisiceoir Éireannach.