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travel taistil »
travel taisteal »
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travelling taisteal »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
is maith is cuimhin liom taisteal go Illinois as Éirinn uair amháin
I well remember travelling to Illinois from Ireland once
thaistil achar fada soir
he travelled a long way to the east
conas a bheidh ag taisteal?
how will you be travelling?
thaistil chun na hAfganastáine i 1999 agus ghlac le hiarratas pearsanta Osama Bin Laden go n-eagródh ionsaithe aeir i Meiriceá
he travelled to Afganistan in 1999 and accepted Osama Bin Laden's personal request that he would organize air attacks on America
thairg siad a chostais taistil a íoc
they offered him to pay his travel costs
an maith leat bheith ag taisteal?
do you like traveling?
bíonn ag triall ar Mheiriceá gach samhradh
she travels to America every summer
Cén den tseachtain ab fhearr libh taisteal?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
What day of the week would you prefer to travel?
an mbíonn ag taisteal mórán?
do you travel a lot?
muid ag taisteal ó dheas
we are travelling south
thaistil go dtí an Ghréig
she traveled to Greece
mo chuid costas taistil
my travel costs