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money airgead »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
cuid den airgead caite agam
I have spent some of the money
mbeadh airgead agam, cheannóinn teach mór
if I had money, I'd buy a big house
easpa airgid ba chúis le deireadh an tionscadail
lack of money caused the end of the project
cuid den airgead
some of the money
níl ach beagán airgid agam
I only have a little money
beidh tuilleadh airgid ag teastáil uainn amach anseo
we will be needing more money in the future
teach, carr agus neart airgid aige
he has a house, a car and a lot of money
iasacht airgid
a loan of money
is státseirbhíseach é - i bhfocail eile, ag maireachtáil ar airgead na gcáiníocóirí
he is a civil servant - in other words, he lives on taxpayers' money
an t-airgead go léir
all the money
níl dóthain airgid againn - go díreach!
we don't have enough money - exactly!
cosnaíonn airgead daoine a fhostú
it costs money to employ people
meánmhéid an airgid
the average sum of money
chaill an t-airgead go léir
I lost all the money
mhéad airgid atá uait?
how much money do you want?
mhéad airgead atá uait?
how much money do you want?
a lán airgid aige sa bhanc
he has a lot of money in the bank
an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead
the person to whom the money was given
feicim carn mór airgid i mo chuid aislingí
I see a big pile of money in my visions
seo duit do chuid airgid ar ais
here is your money back
níl aon airgead agam
I have no money
teach, carr agus a lán airgid ag an fhear seo
this man has a house, a car and a lot of money
suim ártithe airgid a íoc
pay a certain sum of money
leath an airgid
half of the money
laghad airgead atá acu, is ea is fearr
the less money they have the better
airgead páipéir
paper money
súil agam nár ghoid an t-airgead sin go léir
I hope you didn't steal all the money
go leor airgid aige chun caisleán a cheannach
he has enough money to buy a castle
airgead go leor aige, is duine sabhair é
he has a lot of money, he is a rich man
mhéad airgead atá acu, níl siad sásta
no matter how much money they have, they are not happy
an méid airgid atá aige
the amount of money he has
bhfuair aon airgead uaim
she got no money from me
Chuir an t-airgead go léir ar an chapall.
I put all the money on the horse.
Seo an duine ar tugadh an t-airgead .
This is the person to whom the money was given.
Bhí mo chuid airgid ag imeacht uaim go mear.
My money was leaving me fast.
fuarthas suim airgid
a sum of money was found
Caitheann an iomarca airgid ar an deoch.
You spend too much money on drink.
airgead mór á íoc le scéimeanna cultúrtha gach bliain
big money is being paid to cultural schemes each year
íocfar leis an gcathaoirleach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas
the councillor will be paid from money supplied by the Parliament
an t-airgead a fuair , íocfadh an cíos dom fiú
the money I got wouldn’t even pay the rent for me
cuid den airgead fós fágtha.
Some of the money is still left.
Deir liom nach bhfuil airgead aige.
He tells me he has no money.
Roinneann a chuid airgid go fial.
He shares his money generously.
Bhí orm an t-airgead a íoc.
I had to pay the money.
An t-airgead a fuair , íocfadh an cíos dom fiú.
The money I got wouldn't even pay the rent for me.
Beidh ort an t-airgead a aisíoc.
You will have to repay the money.
dhá oiread an airgid
twice as much money
Bhí an t-airgead ídithe faoi dheireadh na míosa.
The money was gone by the end of the month.
mhéad airgid atá aige?
How much money does he have?
de bhua aici go gcoimeádtar airgead ag imeacht ó phóca go póca.
She has a talent for keeping money flowing from pocket to pocket.
Le linn na fostaíochta seo níor íocadh aon airgead léi féin.
'Beo!', beo.ie
During this employment no money was paid to herself.
Chuireadh airgead chuig a muintir sa bhaile.
'Beo!', beo.ie
She would send money to her family at home.
Thug siad airgead póca di.
'Beo!', beo.ie
They gave her some pocket money.
Anuas ar sin, thig éalú ó ghnáthchúraimí an tsaoil a thiteann ar dhuine, ar nós airgead a thuilleamh clann a thógáil.
'Beo!', beo.ie
In addition to that, you cannot escape from the ordinary responsiblities life throws at you such as making money or raising a family.
Nuair a bheas dornán beag airgid agam cuirfidh do choinne.
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
When I have a little money I'll send for you.