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comhshamhlaigh comhshaol comhshuaitheadh comhtháthaigh comhthéacs comhthreomhar comhthuiscint comónta comóradh comórtas compánach compántas comparáid compás complacht compord compordach comrádaí cónaí cónaidhm cónaidhmeacht
coming teacht »
this coming seo chugainn »
Samplaí gaolmhara
Related examples
ag teacht anall as Sasana
he is coming over from England
siad ag teach aníos ón íoslach
they're coming up from the basement
an mbeidh ag teacht anocht?
will you be coming tonight?
ag teacht anuas ón stáitse
he's coming down from the stage
go raibh maith agat as teacht anocht
thank you for coming tonight
an bus ag teacht
the bus is coming
chonaic í agus í ag teacht chugam trasna na sráide
I saw her coming towards me across the street
féach, an bháisteach ag teacht
look, the rain is coming
ag filleadh ar Éirinn
I am coming back to Ireland
bhí fonn orm teacht anseo
I felt like coming here
féach atá ag teacht i leith!
look who's coming our way!
an bhfuil ag teacht isteach?
are you coming in?
ag teacht chuig an gcruinniú.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
I am coming to the meeting.
Céard faoi thíocht go dtí m'árasán agus a bheith ag breathnú ar an teilifís?
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
What about coming to my apartment and watching television?
Meán Fómhair seo chugainn.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
This coming September.
Is é an múinteoir a bheas ag tíocht linn.
Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners, Routledge, 2008
He is the teacher that will be coming with us.
" siad ag teacht faoinár ndéin!" liúigh duine de na fir óga agus bhí gliondar croí orainn go léir.
Alan Titley: Gluaiseacht, An Gúm, 2009
'They're coming to get us!' yelled one of the young men and we all rejoiced.
Bhí aíonna le bheith ag teacht isteach as an iliomad stát eile sna Stáit Aontaithe.
'Beo!', beo.ie
We were supposed to have guests coming in from several other states in the United States.
Cén fáth an raibh deatach ag teacht ó dhá thaobh an fhoirgnimh?
'Beo!', beo.ie
Why was smoke coming from both sides of the building?
Agus níor stopadh den drochnuacht.
'Beo!', beo.ie
And the bad news just kept on coming.
Thosaigh tuairiscí ag teacht as Washington gur buaileadh an Pentagon.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Reports started coming from Washington that the Pentagon had been hit.
Thart fán am ar thit túr eile an Lárionaid, bhí tuairiscí ag teacht isteach go raibh scairdeitleán ar lár i bPennsylvania.
'Beo!', beo.ie
Around the time the other tower fell, reports were coming in of a jet missing in Pennsylvania.
an oíche ag teacht agus leagfaidh mo cheann?
Séamus Ó Grianna: Caisleáin Óir, eag. Niall Ó Dónaill, Cló Mercier, 1976
The night is coming, where will I rest my head?